Friday, April 20, 2012
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a drug related call from the Dorman Road in Harrington. Caller reported that people in a pickup truck in his parking lot appeared to be doing drugs.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a motor vehicle complaint on West Street in Princeton. Vehicle was reported abandoned at the side of the street.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of theft on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took an informational call from Riverview Road in Addison.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry was requested to do a wellbeing check on Route 187 in Jonesboro.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a noise complaint on Route 1 in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a 911 hang up call originating from Round Pond Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a 911 hand up call originating from Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a report of theft of a wallet on County Road in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a complaint of criminal mischief on Crow’s Neck Road in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to an accident on the Indian River Road in Addison.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe was asked to remove a subject on Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ryan Allen assisted a caller on Tommy Long Road in Alexander. Caller reported that her children’s father was returning them late.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a report of criminal trespass on the Milford Road in Grand Lake Stream.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a report of suspicious activity on Dock Day Lane in Danforth.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a violation of a protection order in Harrington.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a commercial alarm on Harbor Hill Lane in Addison.