Friday, March 9, 2012



Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a 911 hang up call from the Smithfield Road in Steuben.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a report of theft on the Wallace Cove Road in Lubec.

Chief Deputy Mike St. Louis, Deputy Lt. Travis Willey, Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry, Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Machias Police responded to a report of suspicious activity on Center Extension Street in Machias. Caller reported that he may have just seen a break in on Center Street.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt was requested to do a wellbeing check in Jonesport.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received information about a 911 hang up call in Cherryfield.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey assisted the Maine State Police on Garnett Road in Pembroke. There was a male and a female fighting. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.

Deputy John Peterson responded to a report of assault on the Bancroft Road in Danforth.


Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of a domestic dispute on Mill Street in Harrington.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of theft of prescription drugs on James Lane in Milbridge.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt took a motor vehicle complaint in Steuben. Caller stated that two subjects were riding around under the influence of pot.

Deputy Ryan Allen received a motor vehicle complaint on Route 6 in Vanceboro. Caller advised that his vehicle broke down in a ditch and he would get it as soon as possible.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe covered an accident on the Jacksonville Road in East Machias.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a residential alarm on School Street in Lubec.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information about an underage drinking party in Perry.


Deputy John Peterson was requested to do a wellbeing check on a person in Danforth.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a request for information on how to get a harassment order from a caller in Milbridge.

Deputy John Peterson received a report of a 911 hang up call from Robbinston.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received a complaint of criminal mischief on View Street in Jonesport.


Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received a complaint about a male subject walking in the road who appeared to be intoxicated on Route193 in Cherryfield.

Deputy Keith York responded to a criminal threatening at the Jonesport Elementary School.

Deputy Keith York and Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject in Beals. Subject was transported to the Downeast Community Hospital.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received a complaint of a commercial burglary in Main Street in Lubec.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on Route 1 in Perry.

Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of theft on Route 1 in Steuben.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of harassment on the Austin House Lane in Addison.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a request to do a wellbeing check in Steuben.


Deputy Ryan Allen took a call from a caller in Lubec who wanted to get information on how he could get restitution from a subject who is currently incarcerated.

Sheriff Smith had a speaking engagement on Lubec about substance abuse in rural communities in Lubec.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of harassment on Route1 in Harrington.

Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of a violation of a protection order in Steuben.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm on Milbridge Road in Cherryfield.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a theft on the Barney Cove Road in Beals.


Deputy John Birmingham served a protection from abuse order to a subject at the Downeast Community Hospital.

Deputy Ralph Pineo took a call requesting a wellbeing check on Route 1 in Addison.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey, Deputy Brandon Parker, Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry, Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt conducted a bail check on a subject in East Machias. On subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.


Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of criminal mischief on Main Street in Harrington.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a motor vehicle complaint on Route 1 in Harrington.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of a possible violation of a protection order in Milbridge.

Deputy Brandon Parker covered a complaint of domestic dispute on the Talmadge Road in Waite.

Deputy John Peterson covered an accident on Route 191 in Lubec.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a motor vehicle complaint in Jonesport.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a report of a violation of a protection order in Addison.