Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident on Tenan Lane in Cherryfield.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident on Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to a 911 hang up call in Harrington.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to an accident on East Day Hill in Wesley.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on Airline Road in T29MD.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey assisted a motorist on Route 1 in Baileyville.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on the Dorman Road in Harrington. One subject was arrested.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Route 182 in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a residential burglary on School Street in Lubec.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential burglary on Big Lake.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a caller from Addison who believed that she had received a fraudulent check in the mail.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential alarm on Bulwinkle Drive in Milbridge.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a residential alarm on the Ellsmore Landing Road in Grand Lake.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to a residential alarm on the Carver Industrial Road in Beals.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to a residential alarm on Victoria Lane in Milbridge.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on Route 1 in Cherryfield.
Deputy Keith York responded to a residential alarm on Bullwinkle Drive in Milbridge.
Deputy Keith York responded to a commercial alarm at the DW Merritt School in Addison.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to a residential alarm on Bullwinkle Drive in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt escorted a boat from Steuben to Harrington.
Deputy John Peterson checked on a subject with a warrant for arrest in Danforth.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a report of a theft of a truck on Ridge Road in Addison.
Deputy Keith York took a report from a caller on Little Augusta Drive in Steuben who stated that he was told that a subject is telling her friends that she is going to shoot him.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe conducted a bail check on Dylan Lord on the Little Machias Road in Cutler. Dylan Lord was then placed under arrest and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Keith York assisted a caller on the Alley’s Bay Road in Beals.
Deputy Ryan Allen was requested to conduct a well being check on a subject on the Bancroft Road in Danforth.
Deputy Ryan Allen transported a subject for the Indian Township Police Department to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Keith York responded to an accident on Route 182 in Cherryfield. Cause of accident was slick road conditions.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an accident on the Cates Road in Harrington.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an accident on the Milbridge Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a commercial burglary at the Bragdon Kelly Funeral Home.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Route 1 in Columbia.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a well being check request on Little Falls Road in Pembroke.
Sheriff Smith and K-9 Sophie had a speaking engagement at the Elm Street School in East Machias. K-9 Sophie is a rescue dog who is owned by Sheriff Donnie Smith and his wife Lynne. She is the newest member of the Sheriff’s Office canine unit.
Deputy Sergeant Brandon Parker responded to a suspicious activity complaint on the Ayers Junction Road in Charlotte.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry assisted a caller who was trying to repo a vehicle on the Village Road in Steuben. Caller stated that subject at the residence was giving him a hard time.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Heath Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a commercial alarm in US Route 1 in Perry.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on the Number 7 Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm on Stanley Point in Steuben.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to a 911 hangup on School Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Chris Correll arrested a subject on a warrant of arrest on Kennedy Highway in Milbridge.