Friday, January 27, 2012


Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Route 187 in Jonesport.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to request to assist a motorist on Route 1A in Milbridge. Caller stated that their vehicle was off the road.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on Route 1 in Dennysville.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential burglary in Lubec. Caller reported that their camp had been broken into.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a 911 hang up on the Canal Road in Whitneyville.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of harassment on Route 1 in Steuben.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial alarm on Court Street in Machias.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a 911 hang up on the Pea Ridge Road in Columbia.

Deputy Chris Correll received an informational call from the Black Duck Cove in Beals.

Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of harassment on the Straight Bay Road in Lubec.


Deputy Chris Correll and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a complaint from a residence on the East Side Road in Addison. Callers stated that they were outside and could hear someone calling for help. Callers felt that the calls were coming from across the water. After an investigation it was discovered that duck hunters were yelling back and forth to each other.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on the Kennedy Highway in Milbridge.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to al 911 hang up coming from Poppler Lane in Milbridge.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint from a caller who stated that he had property damage on the Bagley Road in Jonesboro.


Deputy John Peterson did a bail check on a subject in Grand Lake Stream.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a 911 hang up call originating from Pigeon Hill Road in Stueben.

Deputy John Peterson did a bail check on the Calais Road in Danforth.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt covered an accident on the Pigeon Hill Road in Steuben.

Deputy Ryan Allen was requested to do a wellbeing check in Columbia.


Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Deputy Ralph Pineo attended a K-9 training in Bangor.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a criminal trespass on US Route 1 in Robbinston.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a request to assist an agency on the Vanceboro Road in Topsfield.

Deputy Ryan Allen was requested to do a wellbeing check in Robbinston.

Sheriff Smith responded to a request for a property check at the Whiting Village School in Whiting.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft at Downeast Glass in Baring.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a harassment complaint on the Heath Road in Milbridge.


Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of theft on the East Side Road in Addison.

Deputy Ryan Allen assisted a caller in Steuben with an escort.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an accident on the Scotts Hill Road in East Machias.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Wilson Road in Jonesboro. Caller stated that a subject had threatened to harm her dog and now her dog is missing.

Deputy Ryan Allen assisted the Portland Police Department with service of a trespass order on a subject in Robbinston.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ryan Allen assisted the Maine State Police with a subject that was out of control in Jonesport. It was reported that there were weapons in the residence.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential alarm on Route 1 in Robbinston.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint in Columbia on the Valley Road that a juvenile is out of control.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm at the Elmer’s Discount Store in Columbia.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential alarm on Route 1 in Robbinston.


Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted the State Police with the scene of an accident on the Station Road in Jonesboro.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to the scene of an accident on Route 187 in Jonesport.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a motor vehicle complaint in Steuben. Caller reported a vehicle was all over the road.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of harassment at the High School in Harrington.

Deputy Ralph Pineo and Sheriff Smith assisted the Maine State Police with an accident on County Road in Trescott.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry was requested to do a wellbeing check on a subject in Jonesport.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on County Road in Lubec.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint in Columbia involving facebook.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Webb District Road in Harrington.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of a suicidal subject on the Dorman Road in

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a reported OUI on the Heath Road in Milbridge.

Deputy John Peterson received a complaint of suspicious activity on Main Street in Princeton. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey conducted a bail check on a subject living on Route 1 in Baileyville.


Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial burglary on Main Street in Milbridge.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial burglary on Tuner Way in Cutler.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm in Milbridge at the Family Dollar Store.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint at the Barney Field in Whiting.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry assisted a caller in Deblois.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a request to do a wellbeing check in East Machias at the Hadley Lake Apartments.

Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted Machias Police Department with a disorderly subject on Water Street in Machias.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Dyers Bay Road in Steuben.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ralph Pineo, Deputy Brandon Parker, Deputy John Peterson responded to a mental subject complaint in Jonesboro. Subject was transported to the Down East Community Hospital.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of theft on the Milbridge Road in Cherryfield.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a theft on Newcomb’s Gun Shop in Perry.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt, Deputy Chris Correll responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 193 in Cherryfield. Subject was transported to the Washington County Jail.

Deputy John Peterson assisted a caller on the Timber Cove Road in Lubec with a death notification.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on Main Street in Cherryfield.

Deputy Chris Correll was requested to do a wellbeing check on Sacarap Road on Harrington.

If you have any information on the cases in this week’s report please contact the Washington County Sheriff’s Office at 255-4422.

Friday, January 20, 2012




Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident on Tenan Lane in Cherryfield.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident on Main Street in Cherryfield.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a 911 hang up call in Harrington.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to an accident on East Day Hill in Wesley.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on Airline Road in T29MD.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey assisted a motorist on Route 1 in Baileyville.


Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on the Dorman Road in Harrington. One subject was arrested.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Route 182 in Cherryfield.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a residential burglary on School Street in Lubec.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential burglary on Big Lake.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a caller from Addison who believed that she had received a fraudulent check in the mail.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential alarm on Bulwinkle Drive in Milbridge.


Deputy John Peterson responded to a residential alarm on the Ellsmore Landing Road in Grand Lake.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a residential alarm on the Carver Industrial Road in Beals.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a residential alarm on Victoria Lane in Milbridge.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on Route 1 in Cherryfield.

Deputy Keith York responded to a residential alarm on Bullwinkle Drive in Milbridge.


Deputy Keith York responded to a commercial alarm at the DW Merritt School in Addison.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a residential alarm on Bullwinkle Drive in Milbridge.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt escorted a boat from Steuben to Harrington.

Deputy John Peterson checked on a subject with a warrant for arrest in Danforth.


Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a report of a theft of a truck on Ridge Road in Addison.

Deputy Keith York took a report from a caller on Little Augusta Drive in Steuben who stated that he was told that a subject is telling her friends that she is going to shoot him.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe conducted a bail check on Dylan Lord on the Little Machias Road in Cutler. Dylan Lord was then placed under arrest and transported to the Washington County Jail.

Deputy Keith York assisted a caller on the Alley’s Bay Road in Beals.

Deputy Ryan Allen was requested to conduct a well being check on a subject on the Bancroft Road in Danforth.

Deputy Ryan Allen transported a subject for the Indian Township Police Department to the Washington County Jail.


Deputy Keith York responded to an accident on Route 182 in Cherryfield. Cause of accident was slick road conditions.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an accident on the Cates Road in Harrington.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an accident on the Milbridge Road in Cherryfield.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a commercial burglary at the Bragdon Kelly Funeral Home.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Route 1 in Columbia.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a well being check request on Little Falls Road in Pembroke.

Sheriff Smith and K-9 Sophie had a speaking engagement at the Elm Street School in East Machias. K-9 Sophie is a rescue dog who is owned by Sheriff Donnie Smith and his wife Lynne. She is the newest member of the Sheriff’s Office canine unit.

Deputy Sergeant Brandon Parker responded to a suspicious activity complaint on the Ayers Junction Road in Charlotte.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry assisted a caller who was trying to repo a vehicle on the Village Road in Steuben. Caller stated that subject at the residence was giving him a hard time.


Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Heath Road in Milbridge.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a commercial alarm in US Route 1 in Perry.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on the Number 7 Road in Steuben.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm on Stanley Point in Steuben.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a 911 hangup on School Street in Cherryfield.

Deputy Chris Correll arrested a subject on a warrant of arrest on Kennedy Highway in Milbridge.

Friday, January 13, 2012



Deputy Ryan Allen investigated a report of sexual assault that occurred in Cherryfield in 2004. None of the parties involved reside in the State of Maine.

Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of persons fighting on the County Road in Trescott. Caller reported that two cars pulled into her driveway and were fighting. Caller advised that she did not know any of the parties and it was dark outside.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on Route 1 in Perry. It was reported that a vehicle went off the road near the Thompson Store Road and hit some ledges.

Deputy Brandon Parker covered an attended death on the North Lubec Road in Lubec. A sixty two year old male who had been ill passed away.


Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on the Ayers Junction Road in Pembroke.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on Jonesport/Beals Bridge in Jonesport.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a shots fired call on North Street in Harrington.

Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted a caller who wanted an officer to speak with her daughter, whom she was having an argument with on the Mogador Road in Steuben.

Deputy John Peterson responded to a shots fired call near the Bayview Park in Lubec.

Deputy Chris Correll arrested a subject on a violation of bail in the Ridge Road in Addison.


Deputy John Peterson responded to a caller who reported that her child is late returning home on Alexander Avenue in Jonesport.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm on Harbor Road in Steuben.

Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted the State Police on Route 1 in Whiting with a suicidal subject who had a firearm.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of harassment on Hobson Street in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted a caller from Lower Street Lubec with a child custody matter.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential burglary on the Chain Lake Road in T31MD.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a criminal threatening on Main Street in Lubec.


Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a motor vehicle complaint on Route 193 in Cherryfield.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt took an informational call in Deblois reference paper service.

Deputy Chris Correll took a informational drug related call from Robinston.

Deputy Tim Tabbutt responded to a residential alarm in Beals.

Sheriff Smith, Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential burglary in Lubec on the South Lubec Road.

Deputy Keith York responded to a caller who had found a stolen gun in Columbia.

Deputy Keith York covered a complaint of theft on Trynor Square in Jonesport.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint if disorderly conduct in the County Road in Lubec.

Deputy Keith York, Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of persons fighting in the Webb District Road in Columbia.


Deputy Chris Correll responded to a report of a theft of a staging platform on the Indian River Road in Addison.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a noise compliant on Main Street in Jonesport.

Deputy Chris Correll assisted a caller who was complaining about a subject making comments about her on facebook. Caller lived in Addison.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a reported theft of a gun on the Wyman Road in Milbridge.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on Route 193 in Deblois.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe covered an accident on Route 1 in Steuben.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe took an informational call from a caller living in Steuben.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ryan Allen and Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of criminal threatening in Addison on the East Side Road. A subject was threatening to kill his wife with an axe. The subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.


Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of harassment in Jonesport.

Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of theft on the Fickett’s Point Road in Milbridge.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to Leighton Point Road to assist the Maine State Police with a subject who violated a protection order.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on Lane Road in Dublois.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of harassment in Harrington.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Main Street in Jonesport.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on Route 1 in Pembroke.


Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of a residential burglary on the North Lubec Road in Lubec. Caller reported that he was delivering oil and noticed a vacant house that had been broken into.

Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of theft on Georgetown Woods Road in Columbia. Caller reported that someone took an old burnt van out of the dooryard.

Deputy Keith York took an informational call from a caller in Cherryfield about a subject who had applied for credit and when a credit check was run the result were that this was a watched individual and was requested to report this to law enforcement.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a suspicious activity report on Crows Neck Road in Trescott.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a criminal threatening report in Harrington.

Deputy Brandon Parker took an informational call about a subject in Lubec who had some synthetic marijuana.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry, Deputy Lt. Travis Willey, Deputy Ralph Pineo arrested a subject at the Red Barn Motel on a warrant of arrest.

Friday, January 6, 2012



Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Dyer’s Bay Road in Steuben. Caller advised that someone was around her vehicle with a flashlight.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft from Fort Wayne Indiana. Caller advised that he bought a product online from a subject from Steuben. The product was not what is was supposed to be.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of a gas drive off in Columbia at Four Corners.

Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of domestic dispute on Doherty Lane in Lubec.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Mitten Mountain Road in Centerville.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Edmunds.


Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a domestic dispute on the Eastern Cuttoff Road in Princeton.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of harassment on the Vanceboro Road in Vanceboro.

Deputy Keith York covered a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Perry.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a theft on the North Shores Road in Lubec.

Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of suspicious activity in Pembroke.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Cutler Road in East Machias.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry arrested a subject on a warrant on the Sacrap Road in Columbia.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a complaint from a caller on Penney Lane in Jonesport who wanted a subject removed from his residence.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to the scene of an accident on County Road in Lubec. Lubec ambulance also responded to the scene.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Dennis Worcester responded to a noise complaint on the Magador Road in Steuben. Caller wanted to report a party with minors.


Deputy Lt. Travis Willey, Deputy Dennis Worcester and Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of persons fighting on Route 193 in Deblois.

Deputy Ralph Pineo, Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Dennis Worcester responded to a complaint of domestic dispute on Penney Lane in Jonesport. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Route 1A in Milbridge.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential burglary on the East Side Road in Steuben.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of theft on the Mason’s Bay Road in Jonesport. A 2012 Chevy Equinox was taken. The vehicle was located by OnStar on North Main Street in Milbridge, the ignition was locked by OnStar.

Deputy Brandon Parker, Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a report of a violation of a protection order on County Road in Trescott.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to Shore Road in Perry for a complaint of a theft of tires.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a theft of firewood on Route 191 at Cathance Township.

Deputy John Peterson assisted a caller on the Houlton Road in Baileyville.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to an accident on the Epping Road in Columbia.


Deputy John Peterson received a complaint of suspicious activity on Pine Tree Lane in Alexander. Caller stated that his wife had just called him and told him she was being watched through the window.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of criminal mischief at Archibald’s Parking Lot in East Machias. Caller stated that her daughter left her vehicle there over night and someone spray painted down the side of it.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of a violation of a protection order on Pea Ridge in Columbia.

Deputy John Peterson responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 1 in Perry.

Deputy Chris Correll arrested a subject on a warrant of arrest at the Lubec Point of Entry.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to an accident on Unionville Road in Cherryfield.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to an accident on Route 193 in Cherryfield. Caller stated that she was involved in a rollover and stated that she had hit her head on the steering wheel and she also reported that her knee was injured.

Deputy John Peterson assisted a caller on West Street in Princeton.


Deputy Chris Correll assisted a motorist on Route 1 in Columbia. Deputy found a vehicle smoking on the side of the road.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe assisted the Calais Police Department in Pembroke.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt took a complaint about a mental subject who the state is the legal guardian of, has left a facility on foot in Milbridge. Subject has a history of mental illness.

Deputy Keith York and Deputy Chris Correll and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a juvenile complaint on the Valley Road in Columbia.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft of an oil barrel and furnace from a rental property in Baileyville. Caller believes he knows who did it.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a caller form Broadway Street in Baileyville who wanted a subject removed. Caller stated that subject was pushing people around.

Deputy Ryan Allen assisted Indian Township Police Department in Indian Township.


Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt covered a complaint of suspicious activity on the Saco Road in Columbia. Caller’s daughter believes she saw someone out by the shed.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt covered a complaint of disorderly conduct on Route 1 in Columbia.

Deputy Chris Correll covered a complaint of a reported violation of bail on the North Lubec Road in Lubec.

Deputy Ryan Allen and Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe covered a motor vehicle complaint in Lubec.

Deputy Keith York covered an accident on the Indian River Bridge in Jonesport.


Deputy Ryan Allen covered an accident on Route 1 Whiting. Orono dispatch passed the information down that a male subject appears to be having a seizure.

Deputy Ryan Allen covered a report of property found on the Leadmine Road in Lubec. A new water heater was found in the woods.

Deputy Ryan Allen assisted a caller from Main Street in East Machias in an attempt to locate a subject who needed to make contact with a funeral home in New Jersey.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a complaint of a reported violation of a protection order at the VFW in Harrington.

Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a complaint on the Mill River Road in Harrington to remove a subject.

If you have any information concerning any of the cases mentioned here please call the Washington County Sheriff’s Office at 255-4422.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

December, 2011 Monthly Report

12/16/11: Sheriff Donnie Smith has been named to the Board of Director of the,
National , Constitutional Sheriff's & Peace Officers Association.

12/28/11: Cop's For Kid's Program was a success again.
Approximately seventy five stuffed toys were sent to an orphanage in
Cambodia for children at Christmas.

12/31/11: The average inmate count for the month December was forty nine.

12/31/11: Civil Process Division handled one hundred and seventy nine civil
process papers.

12/31/11: The Sheriff’s Patrol Division handled 380 Calls for Service from
December 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.

Call for Services in Washington County:

911 HANG UPS 39
K-9 Training 4
K-9 Utilization 2
DETAIL (All) 2
Grand Total for all calls 380