Deputy Keith York assisted the Maine State Police with an motor vehicle complaint on Route 1 in Jonesboro.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Keith York and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of suspicious activity at the Jonesport Elementary School. Caller state that she thought she heard and saw what looked like shadows in the building.
Deputy Keith York responded to a residential alarm on the Mason’s Bay Road in Jonesport. Owners were notified and stated that they didn’t care.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a domestic dispute on the Ridge Road in Cherryfield that involved a mother and son.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a theft of medication on Washington Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on the Northfield Road in Northfield.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to the Mason’s Bay Road in Jonesport for a complaint of suspicious activity. Caller stated that someone has been driving by his house real slow and looking inside. The caller also advised that a suspicious person stopped by and stated that they were there to do an inspection.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of a car off the road and no one was around when he arrived on the North Union Road in Cooper.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a request from the State Police to pick up a subject who had violated an order for protection. Subject was being held at Lubec Customs. Subject was picked up and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a commercial alarm report at the Charlotte Elementary School in Charlotte.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint about a subject who was driving around with a suspended license and was probably drinking.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of snow mobiles racing on the roadway in
Roque Bluffs.
Deputy Chris Correll responded to a 911 hang up on Cottage Street in Milbridge. No one was around upon officer’s arrival.
Deputy Chris Correll arrested a subject on the Ridge Road in Addison for a bail violation.
Deputy Chris Correll and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a report from the Hancock RCC who advised that the Gouldsboro PD was stopped by a subject who stated that he had just been hit with an axe. The subject was driving himself to the hospital but his injuries were significant so the Gouldsboro PD transported him. The subject stated that the person who assaulted him lived in Steuben. A male subject was then arrested at his residence in Steuben and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry arrested a male subject on the Addison Road in Addison who had a warrant for his arrest.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint who stated that a group of people including family members were at her house and were going to get into an argument. Subject lived on the Wyman Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of suspicious activity on the Basin Road in Addison. Caller stated that she could hear banging coming from the house next door that was vacant. Caller called back and advised that she believes it was fireworks in Jonesport that she had heard.
Deputy John Peterson did a bail check on a subject that lives in Danforth.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the Sherman Road in Robbinston. Caller stated that he was threatened by his brother who kicked his car and said he was going to beat his face also.
Deputy Keith York covered a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of a theft of a truck from a residence on Parson’s Drive in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a two vehicle accident on the Oscar Brown Lane in Charlotte. Vehicle one was stopped for a deer in the road and vehicle two struck it.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint at Skinner Corner in Jonesport. Caller stated that a pickup truck tore up her lawn. Caller did not know who it was and did not have a description of the vehicle.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of harassment from an out of state caller. Caller stated that a subject from East Machias has been texting comments to her daughter that made her uncomfortable. Caller did not want subject to call her daughter anymore.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a theft of a generator from the fire station in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a caller who stated that while at his mother’s residence on Tenan Lane in Cherryfield, someone smashed out his windshield.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on Little Egypt Road in Perry. Caller stated that her husband who she is separated from has threatened her.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded a theft of scrap metal from a business in Jonesboro.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a car/deer accident on the Look’s Point Road in Jonesboro.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of harassment by subject who has been spamming her husband’s email by sending junk email and harassing emails. Caller lives on the Tibbettstown Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Keith York responded to an accident on the Duck Cove Road in Beals.
Deputy Sergeant Rolfe responded to a report of an abandoned truck on Front Street in Baring.
Deputy Ryan Allen assisted the Machias Police Department in Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a well being check on the Old Mill Road in Waite.
Deputy Richard Rolfe responded to a caller who reported a break in at his camp on Church Street Indian Lake Camps in Grand Lake Stream.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of theft of a tree stand on the Sacrap Road in Columbia.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Lt. Travis Willey did a bail check on a subject who lives on Sacarap Road in Columbia.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a theft of junk metal on the Sacarap Road in Columbia.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a 911 hang up call on the Valley Road in Columbia.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the North Lubec Road in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a caller from the Epping Road in Columbia who stated that a tan van had been parked in her driveway for a half an hour.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint from a caller who was traveling Route 1 in Whiting. Caller stated that she was following a pickup truck that was all over the road.
Deputy Keith York responded to a request to do a well being check on the Unionville Road in Steuben.
Deputy Keith responded to a residential burglary on the West Side Road in Harrington. Copper pipe and skylights were taken from his camp.
Deputy Ryan Allen assisted the Machias Police Department with an accident on the Kennebec Road in Machias.
Deputy Mary Zidalis arrested a subject on a violation of bail conditions at the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on the Marshville Road in Harrington. Caller reported hitting a deer.
And that my friends is what we have this week from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office