Friday, November 18, 2011



Deputy John Peterson spoke with a caller who stated that they knew where someone was that had a warrant out for arrest in Danforth.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a residential burglary in Jim’s Heat Road in Lubec.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe assisted the State Police in Jonesboro with a suicidal subject.

Deputy Keith York responded to a residential alarm on the Station Road in Columbia.

Deputy Keith York responded to a 911 hang up on the Wyman Road in Milbridge.


Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a 911 hang up at Worcester Wreath in Harrington.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of prescription drugs in Columbia Falls.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a well being check request at Quoddy Park in Lubec. Caller stated that an elderly couple parked their car at the park on 11/10/11 in the afternoon to go for a hike ant the car was still there at 0900 today.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of disorderly conduct on Indian river Road in Jonesport.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a caller on the Ridge Road in Addison. Caller stated that something came through his door that looked like a small caliber bullet or pellet.

Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint in Route 1 in Jonesboro. A subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.

Deputy Keith York took an anonymous caller reporting a underage drinking party in Deblois.

Deputy Keith York responded to a well being check on Gravel Ridge Road in Beddington.


Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of criminal trespass on the North Lube Road in Lubec.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a car/deer accident in Sacrap Road in Columbia.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a motor vehicle complaint in Milbridge.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on US Highway 1A in Harrington.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on the Mason’s Bay Road in Jonesport.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident on Route 1 in Whiting.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint in Marshfield.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a criminal mischief complaint at the Camden National Bank in Jonesport.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Roque Bluff’s Road in Jonesboro.


Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Milbridge Road in Cherryfield.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a 911 hang up on Bridge Street in Jonesport.


Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of a protection order being violated in the Calais Area.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Route 1 in Columbia.

Sheriff Smith responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on Court Street in Machias.

Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the East Side Road in Machiasport.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a 911 hang up call in the area of Rocky Gulch Road in Steuben.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a suspicious activity complaint on the Dyers Bay Road in Steuben.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of theft on Point Road in Columbia Falls.

Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted a motorist who’s car broke down on the side of the road by the Alexander School.


Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 191 in Cutler.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt, Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident on Main Street in Milbridge.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a motor vehicle report on North Main Street in Milbridge.

Deputy Brandon assisted a caller with a civil matter in Meddybemps.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident on Route 192 in Wesley.

Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of theft on the Marshville Road in Harrington.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a caller who needed assistance in Whiting.

Deputy Chris Correll arrested a subject on a warrant of arrest in Pembroke.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Cutler Road in Cutler.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Cutler Road in East Machias.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to an accident on Route 1 in Whiting.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint to remove a subject on the Morse District Road in Steuben.


Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a car/deer accident on 1A in Harrington.

Deputy Chris Correll assisted a caller on Route in Perry.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt took an informational call from a caller in Columbia Falls. Caller had information about a subject who was driving with a suspended license.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a caller who found a check book in the parking lot of the Pleasant River Transfer Station.

Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of assault at the Narraguagus High School in Harrington.

Deputy Chris Correll assisted a caller on the Northfield Road in Marshfield.

Deputy Chris Correll arrested a subject on a warrant of arrest on Cone Road in Charlotte.

Deputy Chris Correll responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Marshfield Flats Road in Marshfield.

Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt assisted the Maine Forestry Services in Cherryfield.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an accident on Route 1 near Abs in Columbia Falls.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a criminal threatening complaint on the Dyers Bay Road in Steuben.


Deputy Chris Correll took an informational call from a Forest Ranger about a subject who had a warrant for his arrest on the Springfield Road in Danforth. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.

Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a car/deer accident on Route 189 in Danforth.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a 911 hang up on Tahu Lane in Perry.

Deputy Ryan Allen assisted a caller on Park Road in Danforth.

Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of a sexual assault on a minor in Lubec.

Sheriff Smith and Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the North Lubec Road in Lubec.

Chief Deputy St. Louis responded to an accident on Cooper Highway in Cooper