Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a report of a commercial alarm on the Stanley Point Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Jonesport. Caller was female with a poor connection and she hung up. Orono Dispatch took the call.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a report of a Chevy S10 with no plates in Jonesport on Main Street.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of a 911 hang up call originating from River Street in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 1 in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to the scene of an accident on Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt was requested to do a wellbeing check at the Red Barn Motel.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a missing person report in Addison. Caller stated that his daughter was supposed to go to a softball game and didn’t show up. Caller spoke with her coach and she reported that the girl did not go to the game and was seen walking around the school with a male who lives in Machias. The girl was later located.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a noise complaint on the Centerville Road in Columbia Falls.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint at Sid’s Lobster Pound in Jonesport.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential burglary on Dewey Mowry Street in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to request to remove a subject from the Centerville Road in Columbia. Subject was transported to the Downeast Community Hospital.
Deputy Steven Ramsey received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Basin Road in Addison. Caller was contacted and stated that she had pushed the wrong button.
Deputy Steven Ramsey responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Main Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Steven Ramsey received information of a 911 hang up call originating from the Indian River Road in Addison. Deputy Ramsey made contact with caller who stated it was a misdial.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to the scene of an accident on US Highway 1 in Columbia Falls.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a 911 hang up call that originated from Main Street in Milbridge. Contact was made with the call who stated that it had been a pocket dial.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a report of a 911 hang up call originating from Main Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a residential alarm on the Old Town Road in Jonesport.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the Town of Columbia for providing a place to conduct a Law Enforcement ATV training that our officers attended.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a report of an unattended death on West Main Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey received a compliant of theft on the Gould Road in Grand Lake Stream.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 193 in Deblois.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a report of a violation of a protection order in Lubec. Deputy Allen later arrested the subject at the Lubec Customs for violation of a protection order.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of criminal mischief in Columbia. Caller stated that his ex-girlfriend broke his windshield.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a complaint of harassment on Route 1 in Whiting.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a report of telephone harassment from the Jacksonville Road in East Machias.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 189 in Whiting.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information of a 911 hang up call originating from the East Side Road in Addison.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received a complaint of a suicidal subject on the Wyman Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Feeney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a missing persons report on the Dyer’s Bay Road in Steuben. Subject was found and the case was closed.
Deputy Ryan Allen assisted the Maine State Police on Brook Street in Baring.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe took a missing person report from Washington Academy in East Machias. Case was closed when subject was located.
Deputy Ryan Allen was requested to do a wellbeing report on Lake Road in Perry.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial alarm at the Wesley Elementary School in Wesley.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of a suicidal subject in Charlotte.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a criminal mischief complaint on Doherty Road in Lubec.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of theft of a prop that was taken from the dock in Jonesport.
Deputy Ryan Allen arrested a subject from the Port Road in Machiasport on a warrant.
Deputy Ryan Allen received information of a 911 hang up call originating from the Shore Road in Perry.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint on Water Street in Lubec. Caller stated that juveniles had taken the flags from the school.
Deputy Keith York assisted a caller with a family matter at the school in Steuben.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to complaint from Washington Academy about a possible stalking of one of their students. Washington Academy is located in East Machias.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a possible violation of probation/parole in North Street in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a theft of a mailbox on Bassett Crick Lane in Lubec.
Deputy Brandon Parker covered a car/deer accident on Route 187 in Jonesport.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on Main Street in Columbia.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a noise complaint on Feeney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on West Street in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry was requested to do a wellbeing check on Village Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Mason’s Bay Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal trespass on Rogers Point Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint involving juveniles at Bigelow Field in Harrington.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of theft on Bar Island Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry was requested to assist a caller from Milbridge who thought he had found his boat that had been taken years ago.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential alarm on Pine Cove Road in Steuben.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office received several reports of numerous cans of whipped cream being found in remote locations. One resident who is a contractor in the area called and reported the he has to travel back roads and has seen multiple sites where these cans are located. It is believed that the chemicals contained in these cans are being abused to obtain a high.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a noise complaint in Vanceboro. The WRCC had received several complaints about two subjects setting off fireworks.
Deputy Ryan Allen assisted a caller from Massachusetts who wanted to obtain a protection order for a resident of Lubec.
Deputy Keith York received a complaint of criminal threatening in Harrington on Route 1.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe assisted a caller from Perry. Caller wanted her car checked for drugs because her husband had been using drugs and she was afraid there may be some hidden in her
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a unattended death on the Shipyard Road in Dennysville.
Deputy Keith York and Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a criminal mischief complaint on Fenney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of theft at the Bayside Market in Milbridge.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential alarm on Bullwinkle Drive in Milbridge.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of an accident on South Street in Lubec. Caller stated that a vehicle drove up on a sidewalk almost hitting some children, smashed into a brick wall and then took off.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ryan Allen covered an accident that involved four vehicles and a school bus. This occurred on Route 1 in Jonesboro.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of harassment on Dewey Mowry Street in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to Doherty Lane in Lubec for a complaint of harassment.
Deputy Brandon Parker and Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a harassment complaint at McFadden’s Store in Lubec.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of a 911 hang up call originating from Mason’s Bay Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted a caller in getting his belongings from his residence on Route 1 in Harrington.
Deputy Brandon Parker was requested to do a wellbeing check on Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted a caller on Route 1 in Milbridge. Caller was having a problem with her daughter.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a report of criminal threatening on the Wilson Road in Harrington. Caller stated that a subject had pulled up to him and put a loaded gun in his face. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of phone harassment in Danforth.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of disorderly conduct at the Bargain Hut at Four Corners.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry was flagged down by a person who found a wallet in Columbia. Deputy Perry found the wallets owner and returned it to him.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and his K9 responded to Main Street in Machias to conduct a search.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of a 911 hang up call originating from the East Side Road in Addison.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial burglary alarm on Main Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt covered a car/deer accident on the Ridge Road in Addison.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office had a firearms detail on the range in Cherryfield.
Sheriff Smith covered a complaint of disorderly conduct on the Pumping Station Road in Lubec. The compliant was an illegal display of fireworks in a public area.
Deputy Ryan Allen received information about a 911 hang up call originating from Machiasport.
Deputy Ryan Allen assisted a caller from Charlotte who is getting a divorce and was trying to get belongings.
Deputy Ryan Allen, Deputy Keith York, Deputy Lt. Travis Willey, Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker, Deputy John Peterson and Chief Deputy Michael St. Louis responded to a residential burglary on Provest Lane in PLT14. Caller stated that two subject tried to get into the residence through a window. Caller went outside and fired six shots into the ground. Subject then circled the residence and headed towards 191 on foot. K-9 units consisting of Kimber and Dev were deployed. Two subjects were arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a request to assist a caller from Route1 in Whiting who needed a home health care worked contacted. Caller stated that the home health care worked left with the clients medications.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of theft in Steuben on the Dyer’s Bay Road. Caller stated that her surveillance cameras were taken and she is pretty sure that she knows who took them.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential alarm on Route 1 in Perry.
Deputy Keith York received a commercial alarm at the Fort O’Brien School in Machiasport.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a call about a lawnmower that had been found in East Machias behind Washington Academy.
Several Deputies from Washington County Sheriff’s Office attended gun qualifications at the Pleasant River Range in Columbia.
Deputy Ryan Allen covered a car/deer accident with no damage to vehicle on Route 1 in Pembroke.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a noise complaint on the Marshfield Flats Road in Whitneyville. Caller complained of a barking dog.
Deputy Keith York responded to the scene of an accident on Francis Road North in Steuben.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a motor vehicle complaint on Route 186 in Lubec. Caller stated that there was a vehicle left in the road by the substation for the fire department.
Deputy Mary Zidalis is investigating a jail incident involving an inmate assaulting two jail officers.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information about a 911 hang up call originating from Washington Academy. Cell phone was called back and caller hung up and then switched his phone to voicemail.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received a report of a residential burglary on the E Ridge Road in Cathance Township.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of disorderly conduct at the Jonesboro Post Office. Caller stated that there was an incident at the post office and the subject has since left and headed to Machias in his truck.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a report of a residential burglary on Route 1 in Perry.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a report of assault at the Harrington Post Office.
Deputy Brandon Parker was alerted to a commercial alarm at Lyon’s Market in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of a domestic dispute on the Pineo Point Road in Harrington. This dispute involved the same couple from the Harrington Post Office earlier that same day.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a reported commercial alarm at Guptill’s Logging in East Machias.
Deputy Ralph Pineo utilized his K-9 unit Kimber and Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe also had his K-9 unit Stryker in Jonesport.
Deputy Keith York received a report of an unattended death on the West Side Road in Addison.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a complaint of criminal mischief on US Route 1 in Whiting. Caller stated that the fence surrounding her horses had been cut.
Deputy Keith York received a report of a vehicle that had been in the sand pit for three days on Cates Lane in Harrington.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a report of a commercial burglary on the Boot Cove Road in Lubec. Caller stated that he had returned to the funeral home and it appeared that someone had broken in.
Deputy Keith York responded to a residential alarm on Pleasant Street in Addison.
Deputy Keith York received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Roger’ s Point Road in Steuben.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a noise complaint on the Rim Road in East Machias.
Deputy Ryan Allen received information about a 911 hang up call originating from Heath Road in Roque Bluffs.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a complaint of theft of a firearm from a residence on Diamond Point Road in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a noise complaint on West Manor in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry assisted with a subject who was being unruly on the Unionville Road in Steuben.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a noise complaint in Vanceboro. The WRCC had received several complaints about two subjects setting off fireworks.
Deputy Ryan Allen assisted a caller from Massachusetts who wanted to obtain a protection order for a resident of Lubec.
Deputy Keith York received a complaint of criminal threatening in Harrington on Route 1.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe assisted a caller from Perry. Caller wanted her car checked for drugs because her husband had been using drugs and she was afraid there may be some hidden in her
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a unattended death on the Shipyard Road in Dennysville.
Deputy Keith York and Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a criminal mischief complaint on Fenney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of theft at the Bayside Market in Milbridge.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential alarm on Bullwinkle Drive in Milbridge.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of an accident on South Street in Lubec. Caller stated that a vehicle drove up on a sidewalk almost hitting some children, smashed into a brick wall and then took off.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ryan Allen covered an accident that involved four vehicles and a school bus. This occurred on Route 1 in Jonesboro.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of harassment on Dewey Mowry Street in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to Doherty Lane in Lubec for a complaint of harassment.
Deputy Brandon Parker and Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a harassment complaint at McFadden’s Store in Lubec.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of a 911 hang up call originating from Mason’s Bay Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted a caller in getting his belongings from his residence on Route 1 in Harrington.
Deputy Brandon Parker was requested to do a wellbeing check on Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted a caller on Route 1 in Milbridge. Caller was having a problem with her daughter.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a report of criminal threatening on the Wilson Road in Harrington. Caller stated that a subject had pulled up to him and put a loaded gun in his face. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of phone harassment in Danforth.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of disorderly conduct at the Bargain Hut at Four Corners.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry was flagged down by a person who found a wallet in Columbia. Deputy Perry found the wallets owner and returned it to him.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and his K9 responded to Main Street in Machias to conduct a search.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of a 911 hang up call originating from the East Side Road in Addison.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial burglary alarm on Main Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt covered a car/deer accident on the Ridge Road in Addison.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office had a firearms detail on the range in Cherryfield.
Sheriff Smith covered a complaint of disorderly conduct on the Pumping Station Road in Lubec. The compliant was an illegal display of fireworks in a public area.
Deputy Ryan Allen received information about a 911 hang up call originating from Machiasport.
Deputy Ryan Allen assisted a caller from Charlotte who is getting a divorce and was trying to get belongings.
Deputy Ryan Allen, Deputy Keith York, Deputy Lt. Travis Willey, Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker, Deputy John Peterson and Chief Deputy Michael St. Louis responded to a residential burglary on Provest Lane in PLT14. Caller stated that two subject tried to get into the residence through a window. Caller went outside and fired six shots into the ground. Subject then circled the residence and headed towards 191 on foot. K-9 units consisting of Kimber and Dev were deployed. Two subjects were arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a request to assist a caller from Route1 in Whiting who needed a home health care worked contacted. Caller stated that the home health care worked left with the clients medications.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of theft in Steuben on the Dyer’s Bay Road. Caller stated that her surveillance cameras were taken and she is pretty sure that she knows who took them.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential alarm on Route 1 in Perry.
Deputy Keith York received a commercial alarm at the Fort O’Brien School in Machiasport.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a call about a lawnmower that had been found in East Machias behind Washington Academy.
Several Deputies from Washington County Sheriff’s Office attended gun qualifications at the Pleasant River Range in Columbia.
Deputy Ryan Allen covered a car/deer accident with no damage to vehicle on Route 1 in Pembroke.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a noise complaint on the Marshfield Flats Road in Whitneyville. Caller complained of a barking dog.
Deputy Keith York responded to the scene of an accident on Francis Road North in Steuben.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a motor vehicle complaint on Route 186 in Lubec. Caller stated that there was a vehicle left in the road by the substation for the fire department.
Deputy Mary Zidalis is investigating a jail incident involving an inmate assaulting two jail officers.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information about a 911 hang up call originating from Washington Academy. Cell phone was called back and caller hung up and then switched his phone to voicemail.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received a report of a residential burglary on the E Ridge Road in Cathance Township.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of disorderly conduct at the Jonesboro Post Office. Caller stated that there was an incident at the post office and the subject has since left and headed to Machias in his truck.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a report of a residential burglary on Route 1 in Perry.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a report of assault at the Harrington Post Office.
Deputy Brandon Parker was alerted to a commercial alarm at Lyon’s Market in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of a domestic dispute on the Pineo Point Road in Harrington. This dispute involved the same couple from the Harrington Post Office earlier that same day.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a reported commercial alarm at Guptill’s Logging in East Machias.
Deputy Ralph Pineo utilized his K-9 unit Kimber and Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe also had his K-9 unit Stryker in Jonesport.
Deputy Keith York received a report of an unattended death on the West Side Road in Addison.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a complaint of criminal mischief on US Route 1 in Whiting. Caller stated that the fence surrounding her horses had been cut.
Deputy Keith York received a report of a vehicle that had been in the sand pit for three days on Cates Lane in Harrington.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a report of a commercial burglary on the Boot Cove Road in Lubec. Caller stated that he had returned to the funeral home and it appeared that someone had broken in.
Deputy Keith York responded to a residential alarm on Pleasant Street in Addison.
Deputy Keith York received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Roger’ s Point Road in Steuben.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a noise complaint on the Rim Road in East Machias.
Deputy Ryan Allen received information about a 911 hang up call originating from Heath Road in Roque Bluffs.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a complaint of theft of a firearm from a residence on Diamond Point Road in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a noise complaint on West Manor in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry assisted with a subject who was being unruly on the Unionville Road in Steuben.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Home Invasion

On or about 5-14-2012 at approximately 2320 hours Deputy Ryan Allen of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to Mr. Seth McLaughlin and Vanessa Nemec residence on Proverst Lane in Cathance Township for a report of a home invasion in progress. This same residence was burglarized just 14 or so hours before and is currently being investigated by Trooper Andrew Foss of the Maine State Police. The 911 call was placed reporting that someone was attempting to make entry into the residence through a window. The homeowner then fired 6 rounds from a handgun causing the intruder(s) to flee.
Mr. McLaughlin is a marijuana cultivator and caregiver for several marijuana patients in the area. During the earlier burglary and theft a substantial amount of the medical marijuana and a 9 mm handgun were stolen.
Based on prior information and officer observations responding to the scene, a suspect vehicle was identified. Assisted by the Machias Police Department, Lt. Travis Willey and Sgt. Rich Rolfe conducted a felony stop on the vehicle on the Ridge Road in Marshfield. During that stop one male passenger fled the scene and the male driver was taken into custody.
The driver was identified as Mr. Scott E. Conlin (DOB 3-24-1974) of the Cutler area. Through further investigation the male passenger that fled the scene was identified as Mr. Raymie D. Stoddard (DOB 6-15-1981) of the Machias area. After an extensive K-9 search and other search methods, Mr. Stoddard was located and arrested at the Ridgeview Apartments without incident. The Machias Police Department and Maine Warden Service assisted in the arrest.
Upon taking Mr. Stoddard into custody, a consent search of Ms. Joanna Stratton’s apartment yielded the stolen marijuana and handgun from the earlier burglary and theft. The Maine State Police were then contacted and Trooper Andy Foss responded to complete the investigation of the earlier crimes. Evidence was also recovered linking the subjects to other crimes in the Machias area.
Mr. Stoddard and Mr. Conlin were arrested and booked into the Washington County Jail on Criminal Attempt of Burglary. Mr. Conlin was also found to be in violation of his conditions of release and is been held without bail. He was currently on conditions of release for Trafficking of Drugs. Stoddard is being held on $500.00 cash bail Several other charges will be pending.
Sheriff Donnie Smith
Washington County SO
Friday, May 11, 2012
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Harrington.
Deputy Keith York was notified of a commercial alarm at the Bragdon Kelly Funeral Home in Steuben.
Deputy Keith York was requested to do a wellbeing check on a subject living in Milbridge on the Wyman Road.
Deputy Keith York covered a two car accident at the Naraguagas Nursing Home in Milbridge.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of harassment on Route 1 in Harrington.
Deputy Keith York received a report of criminal threatening at the Matthews Store in Steuben.
Deputy Keith York received a complaint of a vehicle passing a school bus in front of the drug store in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Heath Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a report of a wallet that was found at the Circle K in Harrington.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a report of a vehicle operating erratically on Route 1 in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received report of a domestic dispute at the Red Barn Motel in Milbridge.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a report of suspicious activity on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Brandon Parker was conducting a property check and found an open door at Look’s Construction in Jonesboro.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a noise complaint on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a car/deer accident on the Kansas Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Stryker his K-9 unit assisted the Machias Police Department with an investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a report of a missing wallet from the Pembroke Irving.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received report of a theft of a vehicle on the Port Road in Machiasport. Caller stated that she had left her keys under the mat of her vehicle and her vehicle was taken from her residence overnight.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a 911 hang up call originating from Steuben. When caller was contacted he stated that it was a pocket miss dial.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of a residential alarm on School Street in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a 911 hang up call that turned out to be a domestic related complaint. The call originated from Main Street in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of a 911 hang up call originating from Roques Bluff.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Ralph Pineo and his K-9 Kimber assisted in the search for a missing person in Beals. Caller stated that he was worming with his friend and found his worming bucket floating but he was unable to find him. Subject was located.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Ridge Road in Addison.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on the Upper Cross Road in Pembroke.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial alarm at the Jonesboro Elementary School.
Deputy John Peterson received a late report of an accident at the Princeton A & G in Princeton.
Deputy John Peterson received a report of a 911 hang up call originating from Route 1 in Brookton.
Deputy John Peterson received a noise complaint on Main Street in Princeton. Caller reported that she heard gunshots and this has been an ongoing issue.
Deputy John Peterson received a complaint that was drug related on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted the Maine State Police with a domestic dispute on Patty Lane in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry conducted a property check on the Ridge Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of theft on the Unionville Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a 911 hang up call originating from Water Street in Addison.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the Sacarap Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of an unattended death on West Main Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey, Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Deputy Ralph Pineo were called to AB’s store in Cherryfield to remove a subject that had locked himself in the bathroom.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of theft at Mill Cove in Robbinston.
Deputy John Peterson responded to an accident on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of theft on Fenney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt was requested to remove a subject from a residence on the Middleground VW in Jonesport.
Deputy John Peterson received a motor vehicle report on the Sacarap Road in Harrington.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a report of a domestic dispute on Main Street in Lubec.
Deputy Keith York covered an accident on the Marshfield Road in Harrington. The accident involved a deer.
Deputy Keith York and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a juvenile complaint on Feeney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Chief Deputy had a speaking engagement at Jonesport Elementary School in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe had a K-P Stryker training in Whiting.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of harassment on Washington Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of theft in Milbridge.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft of oil from a camp in Danforth.
Deputy Keith York was requested to remove a subject from Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Keith York covered an accident on Route 1 in Columbia.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information of a 911 hang up call that originated from Kennedy Highway in Milbridge. Caller was contacted and stated that he had been sleeping and she was not aware that she had dialed 911.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received information of a 911 hang up originating from Harrington area. Caller was contacted and stated that she did not have an emergency and had not meant to dial 911.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Ramsdell Lane in Robbinston.
Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted a caller that wanted to get his belongings from a residence on Route 1 in Robbinston.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of an animal in the road on Route 9 in Alexander.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Harrington.
Deputy Keith York was notified of a commercial alarm at the Bragdon Kelly Funeral Home in Steuben.
Deputy Keith York was requested to do a wellbeing check on a subject living in Milbridge on the Wyman Road.
Deputy Keith York covered a two car accident at the Naraguagas Nursing Home in Milbridge.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of harassment on Route 1 in Harrington.
Deputy Keith York received a report of criminal threatening at the Matthews Store in Steuben.
Deputy Keith York received a complaint of a vehicle passing a school bus in front of the drug store in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Heath Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a report of a wallet that was found at the Circle K in Harrington.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a report of a vehicle operating erratically on Route 1 in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received report of a domestic dispute at the Red Barn Motel in Milbridge.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a report of suspicious activity on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Brandon Parker was conducting a property check and found an open door at Look’s Construction in Jonesboro.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a noise complaint on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a car/deer accident on the Kansas Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Stryker his K-9 unit assisted the Machias Police Department with an investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a report of a missing wallet from the Pembroke Irving.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received report of a theft of a vehicle on the Port Road in Machiasport. Caller stated that she had left her keys under the mat of her vehicle and her vehicle was taken from her residence overnight.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a 911 hang up call originating from Steuben. When caller was contacted he stated that it was a pocket miss dial.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of a residential alarm on School Street in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a 911 hang up call that turned out to be a domestic related complaint. The call originated from Main Street in Lubec.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of a 911 hang up call originating from Roques Bluff.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Ralph Pineo and his K-9 Kimber assisted in the search for a missing person in Beals. Caller stated that he was worming with his friend and found his worming bucket floating but he was unable to find him. Subject was located.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Ridge Road in Addison.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on the Upper Cross Road in Pembroke.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial alarm at the Jonesboro Elementary School.
Deputy John Peterson received a late report of an accident at the Princeton A & G in Princeton.
Deputy John Peterson received a report of a 911 hang up call originating from Route 1 in Brookton.
Deputy John Peterson received a noise complaint on Main Street in Princeton. Caller reported that she heard gunshots and this has been an ongoing issue.
Deputy John Peterson received a complaint that was drug related on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted the Maine State Police with a domestic dispute on Patty Lane in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry conducted a property check on the Ridge Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of theft on the Unionville Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a 911 hang up call originating from Water Street in Addison.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the Sacarap Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of an unattended death on West Main Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey, Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Deputy Ralph Pineo were called to AB’s store in Cherryfield to remove a subject that had locked himself in the bathroom.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of theft at Mill Cove in Robbinston.
Deputy John Peterson responded to an accident on Main Street in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of theft on Fenney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt was requested to remove a subject from a residence on the Middleground VW in Jonesport.
Deputy John Peterson received a motor vehicle report on the Sacarap Road in Harrington.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a report of a domestic dispute on Main Street in Lubec.
Deputy Keith York covered an accident on the Marshfield Road in Harrington. The accident involved a deer.
Deputy Keith York and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a juvenile complaint on Feeney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Chief Deputy had a speaking engagement at Jonesport Elementary School in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe had a K-P Stryker training in Whiting.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of harassment on Washington Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of theft in Milbridge.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft of oil from a camp in Danforth.
Deputy Keith York was requested to remove a subject from Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Keith York covered an accident on Route 1 in Columbia.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information of a 911 hang up call that originated from Kennedy Highway in Milbridge. Caller was contacted and stated that he had been sleeping and she was not aware that she had dialed 911.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received information of a 911 hang up originating from Harrington area. Caller was contacted and stated that she did not have an emergency and had not meant to dial 911.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Ramsdell Lane in Robbinston.
Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted a caller that wanted to get his belongings from a residence on Route 1 in Robbinston.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of an animal in the road on Route 9 in Alexander.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to an accident on Main Street in Whiting.
Deputy Keith York responded to a commercial alarm at Point Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a report of assault at the Princeton Irving in Princeton. Both parties were gone on the officer’s arrival.
Deputy Keith York received a report of a 911 hang up call originating from Jedry Lane in Harrington.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential alarm on Tough End Road in Grand Lake Stream.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of a theft of a pickup truck on Alexander Avenue in Jonesport. Caller stated that his son took his truck without permission.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of property found on the Polkie Road in Princeton. Caller advised he had found a pickup truck with broken windows and no plates hidden.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received information of a 911 hang up call originating from the Valley Road in Columbia.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to the scene of an accident on Route 1 in Cherryfield. The accident involved a deer.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a noise complaint on Route 1 in Princeton. Caller advised there was a party going on that also had underage subjects.
Deputy Keith York was requested to do a wellbeing check on Quarry Lane in Milbridge.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a report of an intoxicated subject staggering all over the Basin Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of a theft of traps on Route 187 in Addison.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Milbridge.
Deputy Brandon Parker was requested to do a wellbeing check on a elderly subject living on the Black’s Woods Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ralph Pineo was requested to remove a subject from the Cutoff Road in Princeton.
Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted a caller form Chases Brook Road in Alexander with a complaint involving belongings being removed from a house.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy John Peterson attended a K-9
training in Baileyville.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of ongoing harassment on the Grant Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of harassment on the East Side Road in Addison.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of domestic dispute on Brook Street in Baring.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial alarm on US Highway 1 in Columbia.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received information about a residential alarm on the Look’s Point Road in Harrington.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a report of a phone scam on Main Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Flaherty Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Deputy John Peterson covered an accident on Kennedy Highway in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt covered an accident on Route 1A in Harrington. Caller stated that something hit the side of her car and she went off the road and couldn’t get out of the car.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to an accident on Route 1A in Milbridge. Caller stated that deer had run him off the road.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Hopkins in Jonesport.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of harassment at the Princeton AG. Caller stated that she had a protection order placed on a subject and that she was approached in the parking lot by the subject.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of criminal trespass on the Pen Knife Lake Road in Robbinston.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a motor vehicle complaint on Route 1 in Columbia.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a reported theft of copper pipes and a water heater on Route 1 in Robbinston.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a complaint of theft on the North Lubec Road in Lubec. Tools were taken from a construction site.
Deputy Ryan Allen took a drug related call from Lubec. Syringes were found behind a bait shack.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe was called to the high school in Harrington for a drug related complaint.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe assisted a caller from West Street in Harrington with a neighbor dispute.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information about of commercial alarm on Main Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a complaint of fraud at the North Middlegroundview Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a complaint of criminal mischief on the Petite Point Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a motor vehicle compliant at the Matthews Store in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt assisted the Ellsworth Police Department at a residence in Steuben. Ellsworth Police Department asked that a no contact order be given to a subject living in Steuben.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject in Deblois. Subject was transported to the Downeast Community Hospital.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a motor vehicle complaint on the Ridge Road in Robbinston. Caller was riding a horse with his daughter when a motorcycle passed them at a high rate of speed. Caller signaled him to slow down and subject turned around and came back. Subject asked what the caller had meant and caller told him to slow down. Subject then swore at caller and his daughter, popped a wheelie and took off.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe along with his K-9 Striker conducted a search on the Shipyard Road in Dennysville.
Deputy Keith York received a complaint about a reported violation of a protection order at the Lobster Ranch in Harrington.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a juvenile complaint on Maple Street in Danforth. Caller stated that the thirteen year old son was terrorizing an elderly person in the residence and would not listen to her.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to an accident on Main Street in Whiting.
Deputy Keith York responded to a commercial alarm at Point Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a report of assault at the Princeton Irving in Princeton. Both parties were gone on the officer’s arrival.
Deputy Keith York received a report of a 911 hang up call originating from Jedry Lane in Harrington.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential alarm on Tough End Road in Grand Lake Stream.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of a theft of a pickup truck on Alexander Avenue in Jonesport. Caller stated that his son took his truck without permission.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of property found on the Polkie Road in Princeton. Caller advised he had found a pickup truck with broken windows and no plates hidden.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received information of a 911 hang up call originating from the Valley Road in Columbia.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to the scene of an accident on Route 1 in Cherryfield. The accident involved a deer.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a noise complaint on Route 1 in Princeton. Caller advised there was a party going on that also had underage subjects.
Deputy Keith York was requested to do a wellbeing check on Quarry Lane in Milbridge.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a report of an intoxicated subject staggering all over the Basin Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a report of a theft of traps on Route 187 in Addison.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Milbridge.
Deputy Brandon Parker was requested to do a wellbeing check on a elderly subject living on the Black’s Woods Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ralph Pineo was requested to remove a subject from the Cutoff Road in Princeton.
Deputy Ralph Pineo assisted a caller form Chases Brook Road in Alexander with a complaint involving belongings being removed from a house.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy John Peterson attended a K-9
training in Baileyville.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of ongoing harassment on the Grant Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of harassment on the East Side Road in Addison.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of domestic dispute on Brook Street in Baring.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial alarm on US Highway 1 in Columbia.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received information about a residential alarm on the Look’s Point Road in Harrington.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a report of a phone scam on Main Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Flaherty Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Deputy John Peterson covered an accident on Kennedy Highway in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt covered an accident on Route 1A in Harrington. Caller stated that something hit the side of her car and she went off the road and couldn’t get out of the car.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to an accident on Route 1A in Milbridge. Caller stated that deer had run him off the road.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received information of a 911 hang up call originating from Hopkins in Jonesport.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of harassment at the Princeton AG. Caller stated that she had a protection order placed on a subject and that she was approached in the parking lot by the subject.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of criminal trespass on the Pen Knife Lake Road in Robbinston.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a motor vehicle complaint on Route 1 in Columbia.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a reported theft of copper pipes and a water heater on Route 1 in Robbinston.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a complaint of theft on the North Lubec Road in Lubec. Tools were taken from a construction site.
Deputy Ryan Allen took a drug related call from Lubec. Syringes were found behind a bait shack.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe was called to the high school in Harrington for a drug related complaint.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe assisted a caller from West Street in Harrington with a neighbor dispute.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe received information about of commercial alarm on Main Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a complaint of fraud at the North Middlegroundview Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a complaint of criminal mischief on the Petite Point Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a motor vehicle compliant at the Matthews Store in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt assisted the Ellsworth Police Department at a residence in Steuben. Ellsworth Police Department asked that a no contact order be given to a subject living in Steuben.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject in Deblois. Subject was transported to the Downeast Community Hospital.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a motor vehicle complaint on the Ridge Road in Robbinston. Caller was riding a horse with his daughter when a motorcycle passed them at a high rate of speed. Caller signaled him to slow down and subject turned around and came back. Subject asked what the caller had meant and caller told him to slow down. Subject then swore at caller and his daughter, popped a wheelie and took off.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe along with his K-9 Striker conducted a search on the Shipyard Road in Dennysville.
Deputy Keith York received a complaint about a reported violation of a protection order at the Lobster Ranch in Harrington.
Deputy Ryan Allen received a juvenile complaint on Maple Street in Danforth. Caller stated that the thirteen year old son was terrorizing an elderly person in the residence and would not listen to her.
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