Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an OUI complaint. Caller stated that his ex-wife had been drinking and she had taken his truck and left.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential burglary on the Houlton Road in Danforth. Caller stated that she had medication and money taken from her residence over the past two or three days. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of harassment on the Read Road in Jonesport. Caller stated that subject, who is a sixteen year old female, has called her names and now caller feels harassed. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a caller who offered information that there were a bunch of people drinking and parking at the end of Canal Road by the dam.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a noise complaint on Fenney Street in Jonesport. Caller stated there were a bunch of vehicles screeching tires and creating a large amount of smoke and noise.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey received a motor vehicle complaint on Lower Water Street in Lubec.
Caller stated that cars were going between seventy and eighty miles per hour down the street.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a noise complaint on Baldwin Head Road in Milbridge. Caller reported hearing gunshots and saw flares going up.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Grade Hill in Cherryfield. Caller stated that a subject was riding around and throwing flares into the ditch in the roadway.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a juvenile complaint on Cemetery Road in Beals. Caller stated there was a sixteen year old female who was intoxicated and out of control.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a motor vehicle crash on Ridge Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a criminal mischief complaint on the Tibbettstown Road in Columbia Falls. Caller could not locate his mailbox and thinks someone vandalized it. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a motor vehicle complaint. Caller stated a subject was operating while intoxicated and under suspension.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of theft on the Station Road in Jonesboro. Caller stated that his medication had been taken that day while he was in Machias. Case is under investigation.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a motor vehicle complaint at the Princeton AG Store. Caller advised there was a truck with several small children under the age of five in the back of the truck and they had popped up out of the back of the truck when the vehicle stopped at the AG Store.
Deputy Adam Davis responded to a complaint of shots fired on the Port Road in Machiasport.
Caller stated that she could hear shots going off every five minutes somewhere near her residence.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a 911 hang up caller. Orono dispatch reported that the call originated from Unionville Road in Cherryfield and that the female sounded like she was in distress and an older male might be chasing her.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of harassment in Cherryfield. Caller reported that she is being harassed by a subject and wanted to speak to an officer. Case is under investigation.
Deputy John Preston gave a civil assist to a caller who stated that he had shown up at his ex-wife’s residence to pick up his child for a schedule visitation. She would not come to the door or answer her phone.
Deputy Adam Davis responded to a complaint of a residential burglary on the Reversing Falls Road in Pembroke. Caller advised that last week his camp had been broken into and completely “cleaned out”. Case is under investigation.
Deputy John Peterson responded to an accident on the parking lot of the Big Stop in Baileyville.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Davis Road in Schoodic. Caller stated that a subject is blocking a public right of way.
Deputy Adam Davis responded to a car/deer accident on the Ayer Junction Road in Pembroke.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a motor vehicle complaint on North Main Street in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on Spring Street in Lubec. Caller reported that the residence behind her is vacant and for sale and while she was walking her dogs, she saw lights inside that appeared to be flashlights.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of a subject walking around the roadway by Uncle Kippys. Caller stated that the subject appeared to be drunk.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of theft on the West River Landing in Addison. Caller stated that his boat motor was missing. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen and Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of assault on Masonic Lane in Pembroke. Caller was assaulted by his son. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a property found complaint on East River Road in Pembroke. Caller stated that a safe was found in the Pennamaquan River.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 182 in Cherryfield. Orono Dispatch received a complaint of an erratic operation and passed that complaint down to Washington County.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a call from a UT Marine Warden who found two residences with open doors on the South Waterway Drive in Trescott. Caller stated that these residences are currently abandoned. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ryan Allen did a bail check on Place Cove Road in Trescott. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Dewey-Mowry Street in Lubec. Caller stated that two vehicles were racing around the area.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Jacksonville Road in East Machias. Caller stated there was damage to his shed and items missing. Case is under investigation.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of criminal threatening in Danforth. Caller stated that he is being threatened because of a case that he is involved in. Case is under investigation.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a residential burglary on the Houlton Road in Danforth. Caller stated that two cameras were stolen from the residence. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Indian River Road in Addison. Caller stated that she is having trouble with her neighbor who she has a protection order on.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a caller on Merchant Lane in Addison. Caller provided drug information.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a noise complaint on the Dyers Bay Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a domestic dispute on the Dyers Bay Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a domestic dispute at the Estates Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a theft in Brookton. Caller stated that money was missing from the community center. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey gave a civil assist to a caller in Lubec who stated that she was cleaning out her ex boyfriends stuff from her house and found items that she believed were contraband.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Straight Bay Road in Lubec. Caller stated there was a vehicle being driven by an intoxicated person.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a commercial alarm on Porcupine Mountain in Perry.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Doherty Lane in Lubec. Caller stated that someone had broken the lock on a gate to gain access to the waterfront.
Deputy Keith York assisted an animal control officer’s complaint of a large pig standing in the middle of the road blocking traffic on the Station Road in Jonesboro. The pig was gone on arrival. Deputy York made contact with the Jonesboro town office to obtain names and phone numbers of local pig owners. Case is under investigation until pig’s owner can be identified.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an accident on Route 1 by Guptill’s Logging in East Machias.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of fraud on South Main Street in Whitneyville. Caller stated that she has seven hundred dollars worth of credit card charges that are not hers.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey did a bail check on Main Street in East Machias.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint where a subject needed to be removed from the Thomas Kelly apartments in Jonesport.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of harassment on the Mogadore Road in Steuben. Caller stated that he was being harassed by daughter’s mother. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a well being check on the Ayers Junction Road in Charlotte. Caller stated that the Coast Guard had found a boat belonging to a subject and were attempting to make contact with the owner to make sure he was okay. Caller advised the owner had a business in Machias and the business was not open. Contact was attempted with home number but there was no answer. Caller was asking for an officer to go to the house and check things out.
Deputy Keith York assisted a shellfish warden who advised that he was being harassed by a subject on the Mason’s Bay Road in Jonesport. A summons was issued.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle crash on Alderman Lane in Cherryfield.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on Route 6 in Kossuth. Caller reported that a male in a white t-shirt with a back pack was trying to flag cars down. Caller stated that they didn’t stop but a second vehicle almost ran him over.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry covered a complaint of criminal threatening on the Dyer’s Bay Road in Steuben. Caller stated that her daughter’s boyfriend was arrested last week. He was told to stay away from her or he would be arrested. Subject called and stated that she has ruined his life and he was going to kill her and take their child. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm at the Harrington Town Office. Caller reported that he had accidentally set the alarm off.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle crash on New Street in Milbridge. Caller stated that there were two vehicles involved but that one had sped off. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a civil assist in Harrington. Caller had a domestic incident with subject a few days ago wanted to get her medication.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of harassment on US Route 1 in Whiting. Caller stated that he was being harassed by his nephew who lives in Machias. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 191 in Meddybemps. Caller reported that a vehicle was crossing the center line and operating erratically. Caller reported that the car was headed towards East Machias.
Deputy Ryan Allen handled a 911 hang up. Call was made from Machiasport. Call was made to Orono and patched to Washington County Dispatch. Caller was a very young female.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ryan Allen performed a bail check in Marshfield.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Dennis Worcester responded to a complaint of persons fighting at Schoodic Lake near the landing. Caller stated that was ambulance was not needed. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey conducted a vehicle stop near the intersection of Schoodic. Two vehicles were stopped and vehicles contained four subjects some of whom were underage.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject on Old Addison Road in Addison. Caller stated that he was going to shoot himself and also stated if cops showed up he would shoot them. Caller stated that he had been drinking.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a 911 hang up call. Call was traced to the Unionville Road in Steuben. Caller was found to have pocket dialed 911. Caller was reluctant to give name and verify information.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a report of criminal mischief in Addison. Subject believed that her child was stuck in the bounce house and slashed it open. Subject then removed child and left Addison Days. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a report of criminal threatening in Cutler on Misty Harbor Lane. Caller stated that he was driving and was threatened by a male subject who felt he was driving too fast. Caller stated that he was driving the speed limit.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a residential alarm on Mill Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a motor vehicle crash on Route 193 in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential alarm on Love Lake Road in Crawford.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a domestic dispute complaint on the East Side Road in Addison. Sergeant arrested one subject and transported him to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a motor vehicle complaint on the Tibbetts Town Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that an off road type vehicle was racing back and forth and pulling in and out of a dirt road by her house. Caller also stated that vehicle is revving the engine, spinning tires and spinning up dirt everywhere.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a well-being check request on West Skunk Ridge Road in Columbia Falls. One subject was transported to Down East Community Hospital.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a remove subject complaint on the Tibbetts Town Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a well-being check request on Indian River Road in Jonesport. Caller stated there is a male subject lying on the side of the road who then began to stagger into the roadway.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential break on North Fire Road in Beddington.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a report of criminal mischief on Route 1 in Baring. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief at Schoodic Lake in Columbia. Caller stated that his truck had been “keyed” at Schoodic Lake the previous night. Caller stated that he was involved in a fight there but is not sure who damaged his truck.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 9 in Wesley. Caller stated that the subject was operating erratically and was watching a laptop while driving.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a juvenile complaint on the Kansas Road in Milbridge. Caller wanted to know what she had to do to get her seventeen year old daughter to return home. Caller stated that her daughter has been gone since Friday and she believes that she is with a thirty eight year old male in Addison.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted the Maine State Police in the North Lubec Road in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of harassment on the Tibbetts Town Road in Columbia Falls. Caller stated that he had gotten into an argument with his fiancés mother’s boyfriend and that the boyfriend has harassed him. Caller wanted information on how to place a protection order on him.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint in Steuben. Caller stated that he had mental health issues and wanted to speak with an officer.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a noise complaint on Main Street in Harrington. Caller reported that a male subject next to her residence was playing loud music and hollering about “shooting or suing someone”. Caller states that they have had dealings in the past.
Deputy John Peterson made a vehicle stop on Court Street in Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry arrested a subject on the Flaherty Road in Milbridge on a warrant for his arrest.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry provided a civil assist to a caller who lived on Main Street in Harrington. Caller needed to follow up with Sergeant Perry in reference to some paperwork she needed from an earlier domestic dispute.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of harassment on the Tibbetts Town Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that she has had an ongoing issue with a subject in Columbia Falls in reference to blackmail and some of her property at his residence.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Horehill Lane in Lubec. Caller advised that there was a truck parked in her driveway that did not belong to her and she wanted it removed.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm on the Black Duck Cove Road in Beals.
Deputy Keith York responded to a commercial alarm at the Strawberry Patch in Perry.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a motor vehicle crash on the Charlotte Road in Charlotte. Caller advised there were two vehicles involved and there were no injuries.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted the Maine State Police with a physical fight in Jonesport on Bridge Street.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to call to remove a subject at the Coast Guard Station in Jonesport.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of criminal threatening on the Centerville Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that her son had called and was very intoxicated. Subject also stated that he was coming over to get money.
Deputy Keith York conducted a vehicle stop on Route 1 in Harrington.
Deputy Keith York responded to a residential alarm in Point Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Smithville Road in Steuben. Caller stated that ATVs were going up and down the road.
Deputy Ryan Allen took an informational call from a caller on the Roque Bluffs Road who felt as though he was being scammed on the internet.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a commercial alarm at Washington Street in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt assisted with a civil matter on the Station Road in Columbia.
Deputy Keith York assisted the Houlton Border Patrol with a drug related matter.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a well being check at the Hadley Lake Apartments on the Hadley Lake Road in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential burglary on the Kelly Point Road in Jonesport. Caller was found to suffer from dementia.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry served a temporary protection order in Harrington.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Oak Ridge Road in Steuben. An ATV was in the roadway and was speeding.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm on the Ray’s Point Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the Northfield Road in Marshfield. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on the Belyea Road in Edmunds. Caller stated that a water barrel had been taken. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on the Charrard Lane in Charlotte. Caller advised that people who had put a protection order out on him had come to his property and taken items the previous night. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on Route 6 in Kossuth. Caller reported that a male in a white t-shirt with a back pack was trying to flag cars down. Caller stated that they didn’t stop but a second vehicle almost ran him over.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry covered a complaint of criminal threatening on the Dyer’s Bay Road in Steuben. Caller stated that her daughter’s boyfriend was arrested last week. He was told to stay away from her or he would be arrested. Subject called and stated that she has ruined his life and he was going to kill her and take their child. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm at the Harrington Town Office. Caller reported that he had accidentally set the alarm off.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle crash on New Street in Milbridge. Caller stated that there were two vehicles involved but that one had sped off. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a civil assist in Harrington. Caller had a domestic incident with subject a few days ago wanted to get her medication.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of harassment on US Route 1 in Whiting. Caller stated that he was being harassed by his nephew who lives in Machias. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 191 in Meddybemps. Caller reported that a vehicle was crossing the center line and operating erratically. Caller reported that the car was headed towards East Machias.
Deputy Ryan Allen handled a 911 hang up. Call was made from Machiasport. Call was made to Orono and patched to Washington County Dispatch. Caller was a very young female.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ryan Allen performed a bail check in Marshfield.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Dennis Worcester responded to a complaint of persons fighting at Schoodic Lake near the landing. Caller stated that was ambulance was not needed. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey conducted a vehicle stop near the intersection of Schoodic. Two vehicles were stopped and vehicles contained four subjects some of whom were underage.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject on Old Addison Road in Addison. Caller stated that he was going to shoot himself and also stated if cops showed up he would shoot them. Caller stated that he had been drinking.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a 911 hang up call. Call was traced to the Unionville Road in Steuben. Caller was found to have pocket dialed 911. Caller was reluctant to give name and verify information.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a report of criminal mischief in Addison. Subject believed that her child was stuck in the bounce house and slashed it open. Subject then removed child and left Addison Days. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a report of criminal threatening in Cutler on Misty Harbor Lane. Caller stated that he was driving and was threatened by a male subject who felt he was driving too fast. Caller stated that he was driving the speed limit.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a residential alarm on Mill Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a motor vehicle crash on Route 193 in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential alarm on Love Lake Road in Crawford.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a domestic dispute complaint on the East Side Road in Addison. Sergeant arrested one subject and transported him to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a motor vehicle complaint on the Tibbetts Town Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that an off road type vehicle was racing back and forth and pulling in and out of a dirt road by her house. Caller also stated that vehicle is revving the engine, spinning tires and spinning up dirt everywhere.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt and Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a well-being check request on West Skunk Ridge Road in Columbia Falls. One subject was transported to Down East Community Hospital.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a remove subject complaint on the Tibbetts Town Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a well-being check request on Indian River Road in Jonesport. Caller stated there is a male subject lying on the side of the road who then began to stagger into the roadway.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential break on North Fire Road in Beddington.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a report of criminal mischief on Route 1 in Baring. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief at Schoodic Lake in Columbia. Caller stated that his truck had been “keyed” at Schoodic Lake the previous night. Caller stated that he was involved in a fight there but is not sure who damaged his truck.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 9 in Wesley. Caller stated that the subject was operating erratically and was watching a laptop while driving.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a juvenile complaint on the Kansas Road in Milbridge. Caller wanted to know what she had to do to get her seventeen year old daughter to return home. Caller stated that her daughter has been gone since Friday and she believes that she is with a thirty eight year old male in Addison.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted the Maine State Police in the North Lubec Road in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of harassment on the Tibbetts Town Road in Columbia Falls. Caller stated that he had gotten into an argument with his fiancés mother’s boyfriend and that the boyfriend has harassed him. Caller wanted information on how to place a protection order on him.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint in Steuben. Caller stated that he had mental health issues and wanted to speak with an officer.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a noise complaint on Main Street in Harrington. Caller reported that a male subject next to her residence was playing loud music and hollering about “shooting or suing someone”. Caller states that they have had dealings in the past.
Deputy John Peterson made a vehicle stop on Court Street in Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry arrested a subject on the Flaherty Road in Milbridge on a warrant for his arrest.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry provided a civil assist to a caller who lived on Main Street in Harrington. Caller needed to follow up with Sergeant Perry in reference to some paperwork she needed from an earlier domestic dispute.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of harassment on the Tibbetts Town Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that she has had an ongoing issue with a subject in Columbia Falls in reference to blackmail and some of her property at his residence.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Horehill Lane in Lubec. Caller advised that there was a truck parked in her driveway that did not belong to her and she wanted it removed.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm on the Black Duck Cove Road in Beals.
Deputy Keith York responded to a commercial alarm at the Strawberry Patch in Perry.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a motor vehicle crash on the Charlotte Road in Charlotte. Caller advised there were two vehicles involved and there were no injuries.
Deputy Brandon Parker assisted the Maine State Police with a physical fight in Jonesport on Bridge Street.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to call to remove a subject at the Coast Guard Station in Jonesport.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of criminal threatening on the Centerville Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that her son had called and was very intoxicated. Subject also stated that he was coming over to get money.
Deputy Keith York conducted a vehicle stop on Route 1 in Harrington.
Deputy Keith York responded to a residential alarm in Point Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Smithville Road in Steuben. Caller stated that ATVs were going up and down the road.
Deputy Ryan Allen took an informational call from a caller on the Roque Bluffs Road who felt as though he was being scammed on the internet.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a commercial alarm at Washington Street in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt assisted with a civil matter on the Station Road in Columbia.
Deputy Keith York assisted the Houlton Border Patrol with a drug related matter.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a well being check at the Hadley Lake Apartments on the Hadley Lake Road in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential burglary on the Kelly Point Road in Jonesport. Caller was found to suffer from dementia.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry served a temporary protection order in Harrington.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint on the Oak Ridge Road in Steuben. An ATV was in the roadway and was speeding.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a commercial alarm on the Ray’s Point Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the Northfield Road in Marshfield. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on the Belyea Road in Edmunds. Caller stated that a water barrel had been taken. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on the Charrard Lane in Charlotte. Caller advised that people who had put a protection order out on him had come to his property and taken items the previous night. Case is under investigation.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Village Road in Steuben. Caller reported vandalism at the Ella Lewis School. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle report on the Horse Shoe Pond in Deblois. Caller stated that there was an abandoned vehicle there.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of harassment on Washington Street in Lubec. Complainant stated that she was having problems with ex-boyfriend. She had tried to get a protection order from the court on the previous Friday but she was denied. Over the weekend subject was repeatedly calling her and showing up at her home and refusing to leave.
Deputy Brandon Parker covered a complaint of theft on Cove Road in Cutler. Firearms and a watch were taken. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry gave a civil assist on the Tibbetts Town Road in Columbia. Caller wants tenants removed from rental.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint. Caller stated that her granddaughter was driving the complainant’s car and a dump truck drove out of a gravel pit and a large rock came out of the back of the truck and struck the windshield causing damage. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a 911 hang up call from Slipps Point Road in Princeton. Caller advised that she was untangling the phone card when she accidentally dialed 911.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a disorderly conduct complaint at the Grand Lake Stream Dam in Grand Lake Stream.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a residential alarm on Mill Street in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a 911 hang up. Caller stated that she had accidentally pocket dialed 911.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential burglary on Big Rock Lane in Cherryfield. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of a residential alarm on the Tree Farm Lane in Charlotte.
Deputy Ralph Pineo gave a civil assist to a caller on the Sherrard Lane in Charlotte. Caller stated he is going through a divorce and his estranged wife is bringing the whole family and friends taking things. Caller stated that he is being cleaned out.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on Route 193 in Deblois. Caller stated that her son who is fifteen is being threatened by a twenty one year old. Caller also stated this has happened more than once.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt handled and 911 hang up from Milbridge. Caller was contacted and he stated that he must have butt dialed 911 by accident. Caller stated that he did not have an emergency.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject on the Willey District Road in Cherryfield. Caller advised that he had broke up with his girlfriend and she is suicidal and had taken pills.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Leighton Point Road in Pembroke. Caller stated that someone broke door to his house. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of ATV’s racing up and down the road on the Smithville Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint to remove a subject from Ridge Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that she wanted her eighteen year old son removed. Caller stated that her son was running his mouth, and threw something and broke a piece of her property.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a call from a caller on Verna Lane in Jonesport. Caller stated that he was clearing an adjacent lot and located a back and leg bones. Caller believes they may be from a deer but he wanted an officer to check to make sure.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential burglary on Big Rock Lane in Cherryfield. Caller reported that a four wheeler had been tampered with. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of suspicious activity on the Leighton Point Road in Pembroke. Caller stated that she saw a white pickup truck with two men on back pull into a unoccupied residence and it appeared that they had dumped something off the back. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of harassment on the Sherrod Lane in Charlotte.
Caller stated that his ex girlfriend and her daughter are back to try and take stuff from the property. Caller stated that he has been harassed for days. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Indian River Road in Jonesport. Caller stated that someone broke in and trashed her residence. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Roque Bluffs Road in Roque Bluffs. Caller stated that he was trying to sell a motorcycle online and believed someone was trying to deceive him.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt took an anonymous motor vehicle complaint on the Dyer’s Bay Road in Steuben. Caller stated that vehicle is swerving and crossing lines and was headed down the Dyer’s Bay Road.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of theft from AB’s Country Store in Columbia Falls. Subject passed a twenty dollar check which was bad. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint on the Shore Road in Pembroke. Caller stated there was an OUI in progress. Caller stated that a man was intoxicated and driving a lawnmower, the subject was crashing into everything and the caller also stated that people kept putting him back on the lawnmower.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of a violation of a protection order at Merchant Way in Jonesport. Subject is in a land dispute with caller. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a motorist assist at the Hannaford in Machias.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of theft of medication at Horse Shoe Pond in Columbia Falls.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of shots fired on the Kansas Road in Milbridge. Caller stated that the neighbor was shooting what he feels is one thousand rounds and it has been going on for several hours today. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a well being check on Campbell Hill Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a disorderly conduct on Route 193 in Beddington. Caller stated that his neighbor’s bull got out and is running around. Caller was charged by the bull. Caller stated that the bull’s owner is drunk and swearing at him and blaming him for letting the bull out. Caller advised that he is currently locked inside of his house.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of a commercial burglary. Caller stated someone had tried to break into his store via the back door. Caller also stated that there was a credit card stuck in the door and there was a car parked in the yard that has South Carolina plates. Subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Village Road in Steuben. Caller reported vandalism at the Ella Lewis School. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle report on the Horse Shoe Pond in Deblois. Caller stated that there was an abandoned vehicle there.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of harassment on Washington Street in Lubec. Complainant stated that she was having problems with ex-boyfriend. She had tried to get a protection order from the court on the previous Friday but she was denied. Over the weekend subject was repeatedly calling her and showing up at her home and refusing to leave.
Deputy Brandon Parker covered a complaint of theft on Cove Road in Cutler. Firearms and a watch were taken. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry gave a civil assist on the Tibbetts Town Road in Columbia. Caller wants tenants removed from rental.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a motor vehicle complaint. Caller stated that her granddaughter was driving the complainant’s car and a dump truck drove out of a gravel pit and a large rock came out of the back of the truck and struck the windshield causing damage. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a 911 hang up call from Slipps Point Road in Princeton. Caller advised that she was untangling the phone card when she accidentally dialed 911.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a disorderly conduct complaint at the Grand Lake Stream Dam in Grand Lake Stream.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a residential alarm on Mill Street in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a 911 hang up. Caller stated that she had accidentally pocket dialed 911.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential burglary on Big Rock Lane in Cherryfield. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of a residential alarm on the Tree Farm Lane in Charlotte.
Deputy Ralph Pineo gave a civil assist to a caller on the Sherrard Lane in Charlotte. Caller stated he is going through a divorce and his estranged wife is bringing the whole family and friends taking things. Caller stated that he is being cleaned out.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on Route 193 in Deblois. Caller stated that her son who is fifteen is being threatened by a twenty one year old. Caller also stated this has happened more than once.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt handled and 911 hang up from Milbridge. Caller was contacted and he stated that he must have butt dialed 911 by accident. Caller stated that he did not have an emergency.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject on the Willey District Road in Cherryfield. Caller advised that he had broke up with his girlfriend and she is suicidal and had taken pills.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Leighton Point Road in Pembroke. Caller stated that someone broke door to his house. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of ATV’s racing up and down the road on the Smithville Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint to remove a subject from Ridge Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that she wanted her eighteen year old son removed. Caller stated that her son was running his mouth, and threw something and broke a piece of her property.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a call from a caller on Verna Lane in Jonesport. Caller stated that he was clearing an adjacent lot and located a back and leg bones. Caller believes they may be from a deer but he wanted an officer to check to make sure.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a residential burglary on Big Rock Lane in Cherryfield. Caller reported that a four wheeler had been tampered with. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of suspicious activity on the Leighton Point Road in Pembroke. Caller stated that she saw a white pickup truck with two men on back pull into a unoccupied residence and it appeared that they had dumped something off the back. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of harassment on the Sherrod Lane in Charlotte.
Caller stated that his ex girlfriend and her daughter are back to try and take stuff from the property. Caller stated that he has been harassed for days. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Indian River Road in Jonesport. Caller stated that someone broke in and trashed her residence. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Roque Bluffs Road in Roque Bluffs. Caller stated that he was trying to sell a motorcycle online and believed someone was trying to deceive him.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt took an anonymous motor vehicle complaint on the Dyer’s Bay Road in Steuben. Caller stated that vehicle is swerving and crossing lines and was headed down the Dyer’s Bay Road.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of theft from AB’s Country Store in Columbia Falls. Subject passed a twenty dollar check which was bad. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint on the Shore Road in Pembroke. Caller stated there was an OUI in progress. Caller stated that a man was intoxicated and driving a lawnmower, the subject was crashing into everything and the caller also stated that people kept putting him back on the lawnmower.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of a violation of a protection order at Merchant Way in Jonesport. Subject is in a land dispute with caller. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a motorist assist at the Hannaford in Machias.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of theft of medication at Horse Shoe Pond in Columbia Falls.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of shots fired on the Kansas Road in Milbridge. Caller stated that the neighbor was shooting what he feels is one thousand rounds and it has been going on for several hours today. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a well being check on Campbell Hill Road in Cherryfield.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a disorderly conduct on Route 193 in Beddington. Caller stated that his neighbor’s bull got out and is running around. Caller was charged by the bull. Caller stated that the bull’s owner is drunk and swearing at him and blaming him for letting the bull out. Caller advised that he is currently locked inside of his house.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of a commercial burglary. Caller stated someone had tried to break into his store via the back door. Caller also stated that there was a credit card stuck in the door and there was a car parked in the yard that has South Carolina plates. Subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of criminal threatening on the Crossroads in Columbia Falls. State Police Orono received a call with a female caller hollering “get a cop here”. Caller stated that a subject pulled a knife on her. Subject was intoxicated and walking with his seven year old daughter. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry gave an agency assist to the Hancock Sheriff’s Office. A be on the lookout for a vehicle reference not paying for an entire meal at the Galley Restaurant.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint to remove a subject on the Dyers Bay Road in Steuben.
Deputy Keith York received a motor vehicle complaint of a tractor trailer erratically operating on Route 1 in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a well being check on a subject at Holmes Way in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 1 in Dennysville. Caller stated that a burgundy Blazer was operating erratically and heading towards Pembroke.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of a residential burglary on the North Lubec Road in Lubec. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on South Street in Lubec. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of suspicious activity on the Milford Road in Grand Lake Stream. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident at the Princeton Mainway in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a complaint of an OUI on Sprague’s Falls Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that his ex wife took the car and was driving drunk.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of suspicious activity at the Canal Side Cabins in Grand Lake Stream. Caller stated that he was getting complaints of people partying on his property.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint of erratic operation of a vehicle traveling towards Dennysville.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Johnson’s Cove Road in Roque Bluffs. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Route 192 in Wesley. Caller stated that a concrete form truck went off the road and stuck a pole by near the Junior Williams Road. Wires were down across the road and no traffic was able to pass through.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took some drug related information from a caller in Machias area.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint that a vehicle was operating erratically and caller believes that they were headed towards the Calais area.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential burglary on the Supeq Lane in Lubec. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry gave an agency assist to the State Police in Steuben. Caller stated that a seventeen year old male was flipping out and assaulting everyone.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a noise complaint on North Main Street in Cherryfield. Caller stated there is a four wheeler with no muffler running up and down Route 193.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt did a well being check on a subject at Allogusta Drive in Steuben.
Deputy Ralph Pineo covered an accident on Eureka Street in Lubec.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of person fighting on Mill Street in Princeton. One subject was taken into custody.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a call from a caller stating that someone was crying for help somewhere outside the building near the center of Milbridge. A second call came in saying that a neighbor went out to check and yelled back to the caller and said the call for help was coming from a red lobster boat out in the river. The Coast Guard was notified.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received an anonymous tip that a subject was driving a blue Ford Taurus in the Milbridge area and they are under suspension.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a complaint from a caller that his son was charging items to his account at the Mill Yard Store without his knowledge or consent.
Deputy Brandon Parker and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of disorderly conduct at the Quoddy Dolphin in Lubec. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a criminal mischief
at the Bar Harbor Bank in Lubec. Caller stated that the ATM had been vandalized. Case is under investigation.
Sheriff Smith, Deputy Keith York, Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ryan Allen and Deputy John Peterson, Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of assault with a knife. Several subjects were arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail. Subjects were charged with disorderly conduct and possession of scheduled drugs.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a call from a caller who stated that her husband was in the woods and too weak to get out of the woods. Caller stated that she felt she was unable to get him out on her own before dark.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a residential alarm on Ridge Road in Marshfield.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a residential alarm on Route 1 in Perry.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a noise complaint on West Street in Princeton.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a well being check in Topsfield. Caller stated that a seventeen year old who is pregnant is walking to Dexter.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a residential alarm in Northfield.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident in the parking lot of Mannaford’s in Jonesport. Caller reported that a tractor trailer backed into a car in the lot.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a report of a rock from an unsecured load hitting the windshield of a motor vehicle in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of criminal mischief at Forest Hills Cemetery in Harrington. Caller stated that there was damage to a gravesite and two flower barrels. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of criminal mischief to the caller’s vehicles on the Jacksonville Road in East Machias. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint that a driver was intoxicated and driving a late model dark blue blazer. Caller also stated there is no registration, no inspection and no plates. Caller stated that driver is headed down the South Meadow Road in Perry.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a motor vehicle complaint Route 1 in Cherryfield. Caller stated that they had been driving behind an impaired driver.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to an residential alarm in East Machias on the Stagecoach Road .
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of domestic dispute in Perry on the Golding Road. Sergeant Rolfe warned both parties in the dispute, one for trespass and one for phone harassment.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential alarm in Marshfield on the Ridge Road.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of domestic dispute on Ayers Junction Road in Charlotte. Caller stated that her boyfriend and his brother are in a fight with the stepfather and the stepfather has threatened to hurt them. Caller advised it was verbal at the time but felt that it was going to get worse. Caller stated that there were no weapons being used, but there are some in the residence. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of criminal trespass on Hobson Street in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Day Hill in Wesley. Caller stated that they were behind subject vehicle that was driving eighty miles an hour and then slowed down to forty miles per hour and was driving over the center line.
Deputy Keith York responded to complaint that subjects in a vehicle are destroying mailboxes outside his residence on the West Side Road in Harrington. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of domestic dispute on Main Street in Harrington. Caller stated that her boyfriend of three years told her he was still in love with his ex wife and he wanted her out of the apartment because he was going back to the ex wife. Caller advised that she left because he almost hit her. Caller advised that there are no weapons in the residence.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of fraud from a caller who lived in Jonesport. Caller stated that she received a text and thought it was from her bank and she gave all her bank information. Caller advised that she had a friend who received the same text and now caller is afraid she did the wrong thing. She was advised never to give her information unless she was sure it was her bank calling. Also caller was advised to call her bank and explain her situation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of harassment on Main Street in Lubec. Caller stated that his neighbors were taking pictures of him and his girlfriend with the kids in the car. Caller advised that his neighbors informed him that they would take pictures to DHS, stating that subjects are leaving the kids unattended. Caller also stated that this has happened before.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a motor vehicle report near Whitney’s that a red pickup truck was going down the road and their cap flew off the truck and smashed to pieces. Driver did not stop or even slow down. Caller advised that there was debris all over the road.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of a mailbox being smashed on the Heath Road in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint of criminal threatening on the Crossroads in Columbia Falls. State Police Orono received a call with a female caller hollering “get a cop here”. Caller stated that a subject pulled a knife on her. Subject was intoxicated and walking with his seven year old daughter. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry gave an agency assist to the Hancock Sheriff’s Office. A be on the lookout for a vehicle reference not paying for an entire meal at the Galley Restaurant.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint to remove a subject on the Dyers Bay Road in Steuben.
Deputy Keith York received a motor vehicle complaint of a tractor trailer erratically operating on Route 1 in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a well being check on a subject at Holmes Way in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Route 1 in Dennysville. Caller stated that a burgundy Blazer was operating erratically and heading towards Pembroke.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of a residential burglary on the North Lubec Road in Lubec. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on South Street in Lubec. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of suspicious activity on the Milford Road in Grand Lake Stream. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to an accident at the Princeton Mainway in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a complaint of an OUI on Sprague’s Falls Road in Cherryfield. Caller stated that his ex wife took the car and was driving drunk.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of suspicious activity at the Canal Side Cabins in Grand Lake Stream. Caller stated that he was getting complaints of people partying on his property.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint of erratic operation of a vehicle traveling towards Dennysville.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on the Johnson’s Cove Road in Roque Bluffs. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to an accident on Route 192 in Wesley. Caller stated that a concrete form truck went off the road and stuck a pole by near the Junior Williams Road. Wires were down across the road and no traffic was able to pass through.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took some drug related information from a caller in Machias area.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint that a vehicle was operating erratically and caller believes that they were headed towards the Calais area.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential burglary on the Supeq Lane in Lubec. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry gave an agency assist to the State Police in Steuben. Caller stated that a seventeen year old male was flipping out and assaulting everyone.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry took a noise complaint on North Main Street in Cherryfield. Caller stated there is a four wheeler with no muffler running up and down Route 193.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt did a well being check on a subject at Allogusta Drive in Steuben.
Deputy Ralph Pineo covered an accident on Eureka Street in Lubec.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a complaint of person fighting on Mill Street in Princeton. One subject was taken into custody.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received a call from a caller stating that someone was crying for help somewhere outside the building near the center of Milbridge. A second call came in saying that a neighbor went out to check and yelled back to the caller and said the call for help was coming from a red lobster boat out in the river. The Coast Guard was notified.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt received an anonymous tip that a subject was driving a blue Ford Taurus in the Milbridge area and they are under suspension.
Deputy Brandon Parker received a complaint from a caller that his son was charging items to his account at the Mill Yard Store without his knowledge or consent.
Deputy Brandon Parker and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of disorderly conduct at the Quoddy Dolphin in Lubec. One subject was arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a criminal mischief
at the Bar Harbor Bank in Lubec. Caller stated that the ATM had been vandalized. Case is under investigation.
Sheriff Smith, Deputy Keith York, Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ryan Allen and Deputy John Peterson, Deputy Lt. Travis Willey responded to a complaint of assault with a knife. Several subjects were arrested and transported to the Washington County Jail. Subjects were charged with disorderly conduct and possession of scheduled drugs.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a call from a caller who stated that her husband was in the woods and too weak to get out of the woods. Caller stated that she felt she was unable to get him out on her own before dark.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a residential alarm on Ridge Road in Marshfield.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a residential alarm on Route 1 in Perry.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a noise complaint on West Street in Princeton.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a well being check in Topsfield. Caller stated that a seventeen year old who is pregnant is walking to Dexter.
Deputy John Peterson responded to a residential alarm in Northfield.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident in the parking lot of Mannaford’s in Jonesport. Caller reported that a tractor trailer backed into a car in the lot.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a report of a rock from an unsecured load hitting the windshield of a motor vehicle in Cherryfield.
Deputy Ralph Pineo received a complaint of criminal mischief at Forest Hills Cemetery in Harrington. Caller stated that there was damage to a gravesite and two flower barrels. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of criminal mischief to the caller’s vehicles on the Jacksonville Road in East Machias. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York responded to a motor vehicle complaint that a driver was intoxicated and driving a late model dark blue blazer. Caller also stated there is no registration, no inspection and no plates. Caller stated that driver is headed down the South Meadow Road in Perry.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a motor vehicle complaint Route 1 in Cherryfield. Caller stated that they had been driving behind an impaired driver.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to an residential alarm in East Machias on the Stagecoach Road .
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of domestic dispute in Perry on the Golding Road. Sergeant Rolfe warned both parties in the dispute, one for trespass and one for phone harassment.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential alarm in Marshfield on the Ridge Road.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of domestic dispute on Ayers Junction Road in Charlotte. Caller stated that her boyfriend and his brother are in a fight with the stepfather and the stepfather has threatened to hurt them. Caller advised it was verbal at the time but felt that it was going to get worse. Caller stated that there were no weapons being used, but there are some in the residence. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of criminal trespass on Hobson Street in Lubec.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a motor vehicle complaint on Day Hill in Wesley. Caller stated that they were behind subject vehicle that was driving eighty miles an hour and then slowed down to forty miles per hour and was driving over the center line.
Deputy Keith York responded to complaint that subjects in a vehicle are destroying mailboxes outside his residence on the West Side Road in Harrington. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of domestic dispute on Main Street in Harrington. Caller stated that her boyfriend of three years told her he was still in love with his ex wife and he wanted her out of the apartment because he was going back to the ex wife. Caller advised that she left because he almost hit her. Caller advised that there are no weapons in the residence.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of fraud from a caller who lived in Jonesport. Caller stated that she received a text and thought it was from her bank and she gave all her bank information. Caller advised that she had a friend who received the same text and now caller is afraid she did the wrong thing. She was advised never to give her information unless she was sure it was her bank calling. Also caller was advised to call her bank and explain her situation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of harassment on Main Street in Lubec. Caller stated that his neighbors were taking pictures of him and his girlfriend with the kids in the car. Caller advised that his neighbors informed him that they would take pictures to DHS, stating that subjects are leaving the kids unattended. Caller also stated that this has happened before.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a motor vehicle report near Whitney’s that a red pickup truck was going down the road and their cap flew off the truck and smashed to pieces. Driver did not stop or even slow down. Caller advised that there was debris all over the road.
Deputy Keith York responded to a report of a mailbox being smashed on the Heath Road in Milbridge.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a call from Hancock County Sheriff’s Office that a green Toyota Scion was all over the road, just into Sullivan and was traveling towards Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a car/deer motor vehicle crash on Addison on the Basin Road.
Deputy Brandon Parker executed a warrant of arrest in Lubec on the Dixie Road.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the Willey District Road in Cherryfield. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to Main Street in Jonesport to a complaint of criminal trespass. Caller stated that three juveniles between the ages of 16 and 17 are living in the apartments and they are stealing things from people. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Main Street in Milbridge. Caller’s mailbox was struck sometime in the afternoon between 1430 -1630. She believes her daughter was responsible. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of harassment on the Eastern Cutoff Road in Princeton. Caller stated that she is being harassed by a subject in person, by e-mail and by phone. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on the Ridge Road in Machiasport. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ryan Allen, and Deputy Keith York gave an agency assist the Maine Marine Patrol in arresting a subject on the Cutler Road in Machiasport. Subject was transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential burglary on US Route 1 in Robbinston. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on the Ridge Road in Robbinston. Caller stated the there was a theft of a golf cart and other items. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a call from Maine State Police who were passing a 911 call down from a caller in Addison. Caller stated that a smaller Dodge pickup was being driven by a subject that was OUI. Sergeant Perry was unable to locate the vehicle.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint about an OUI driver at the Harrington Irving. Caller stated that subject was driving a silver Toyota Tundra. Sergeant Perry was unable to locate as the subject was gone on arrival.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a motor vehicle complaint. Caller stated the she was behind a red Pontiac who passed her going seventy to seventy five miles per hour. Sergeant Perry issued the subject a warning.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a harassment complaint on the Little Falls Road in Pembroke. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry arrested a subject on a warrant on Main Street in Jonesport. Subject was transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Keith York served a subject who lives on Mahar’s Lane in Perry with a protection order.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey conducted a bail check on a sex offender on Feeney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject in East Machias.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of assault in East Machias. Both subjects
are juveniles. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of theft of a canoe at a camp in Northfield.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a commercial alarm in Harrington at the Harrington Town Office.
Deputy Randy Perry gave a civil assist in Cherryfield. Caller stated that he was moving and wanted to get rid of ammunition rounds.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry covered a motor vehicle crash on Main Street Route 193 in Cherryfield. Orono patched a call down stating that a seventy two year old female was driving in a work zone, she hit a ditch where they were putting a culvert in which caused her air bag to deploy causing a burn to her chin. An ambulance was requested at the scene.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry gave a civil assist to a caller who stated that he has property that he is closing tomorrow and people are out there tearing down the signs that say “No Trespassing”.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry covered a report that came from the Hollis Police Department on New Hampshire. Hollis PD stated that they had received a call from a caller who met a sixteen year old girl on Facebook and she told him that she had taken thirty pills of an unknown substance. Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry tracked subject to the Ellsworth area. Perry spoke with subject who stated she was fine. She had been depressed and told someone “she ought to take some pills”. Sergeant Perry contacted the Ellsworth Police Department and requested a well being check on the subject.
Deputy Ralph Pineo gave a civil assist on Main Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of theft at Jordan Beach in Milbridge. Caller reported that there was a theft of a copper gas line. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial alarm at Four Corners Shop N Save in Columbia.
Deputy Brandon Parker conducted a bail check on a subject on Scott’s Hill Road in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of a caller who almost stepped on a bunch of needles on the North Lubec Road in Lubec.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on the Indian River Road in Jonesport. Caller stated that a 27 year old male on a motorcycle hit a dog and flew off the motorcycle. Subject was transported to Down East Community Hospital.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential alarm on the Brewer Road in Robbinston.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a call from Alley Lane in Addison. Caller stated that her son was driving with no license, no registration and no insurance. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a report of an accident in Township 30 near the Wilderness Lodge. The accident involved a moose and a tractor trailer.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint from the Harrington Irving of theft of beer. Caller stated that she had subject on video.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a call of suspicious activity on Route 1 in Perry. A male subject was walking in the road.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a car/deer accident on Northfield Marshfield town line.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of theft of money at Dennysville Heights Apartment in Dennysville. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York served a protection order on a subject on the Indian River Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint that a ATV was spewing rocks into the roadway on Route 1 in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a theft of an air conditioner on King Street in Dennysville. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an single vehicle accident on Moose River in Trescott
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Ridge Road in Machiasport. Caller stated that her renters who had left the property had tried to set fire to the home. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of theft on the Old County Road in Addison. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of criminal mischief on Gaelic Square in Jonesport. Caller stated that subject walked up to a van and punched a window out and then went to the other side and broke another window out. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on Water Street in Lubec.
Deputy Keith York and Deputy Ryan Allen assisted the State Police with a report of a family fight on the Basin Road in Addsion.
Deputy Ryan Allen reported to a complaint of suspicious activity on Beechwood Bay Drive in Cutler. Caller stated that someone was beating on her windows. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the South Edmunds Road in Edmunds. Caller stated that her husband had taken her fathers car and threatened to do bodily harm to her. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of Theft on the Johnson Cove Road in Roque Bluffs. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of excessive speeders on Route 1 in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of assault on Harbor Lane in Jonesport. Caller stated that her daughter tackled her and hit her. Caller was injured by did not want ambulance. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of a two vehicle accident in the Ace Hardware parking lot in Columbia.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of a vehicle that backed into the Transfer Station building in Columbia Falls and then left the scene.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a mental subject on Maple Street in Danforth.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on Schooner Point Road in Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a call from Hancock County Sheriff’s Office that a green Toyota Scion was all over the road, just into Sullivan and was traveling towards Steuben.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a car/deer motor vehicle crash on Addison on the Basin Road.
Deputy Brandon Parker executed a warrant of arrest in Lubec on the Dixie Road.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the Willey District Road in Cherryfield. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to Main Street in Jonesport to a complaint of criminal trespass. Caller stated that three juveniles between the ages of 16 and 17 are living in the apartments and they are stealing things from people. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on Main Street in Milbridge. Caller’s mailbox was struck sometime in the afternoon between 1430 -1630. She believes her daughter was responsible. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of harassment on the Eastern Cutoff Road in Princeton. Caller stated that she is being harassed by a subject in person, by e-mail and by phone. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on the Ridge Road in Machiasport. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe, Deputy Ryan Allen, and Deputy Keith York gave an agency assist the Maine Marine Patrol in arresting a subject on the Cutler Road in Machiasport. Subject was transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a residential burglary on US Route 1 in Robbinston. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of theft on the Ridge Road in Robbinston. Caller stated the there was a theft of a golf cart and other items. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a call from Maine State Police who were passing a 911 call down from a caller in Addison. Caller stated that a smaller Dodge pickup was being driven by a subject that was OUI. Sergeant Perry was unable to locate the vehicle.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a complaint about an OUI driver at the Harrington Irving. Caller stated that subject was driving a silver Toyota Tundra. Sergeant Perry was unable to locate as the subject was gone on arrival.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry received a motor vehicle complaint. Caller stated the she was behind a red Pontiac who passed her going seventy to seventy five miles per hour. Sergeant Perry issued the subject a warning.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a harassment complaint on the Little Falls Road in Pembroke. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry arrested a subject on a warrant on Main Street in Jonesport. Subject was transported to the Washington County Jail.
Deputy Keith York served a subject who lives on Mahar’s Lane in Perry with a protection order.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey conducted a bail check on a sex offender on Feeney Street in Jonesport.
Deputy Ralph Pineo and Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a complaint of a suicidal subject in East Machias.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of assault in East Machias. Both subjects
are juveniles. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of theft of a canoe at a camp in Northfield.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry and Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a commercial alarm in Harrington at the Harrington Town Office.
Deputy Randy Perry gave a civil assist in Cherryfield. Caller stated that he was moving and wanted to get rid of ammunition rounds.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry covered a motor vehicle crash on Main Street Route 193 in Cherryfield. Orono patched a call down stating that a seventy two year old female was driving in a work zone, she hit a ditch where they were putting a culvert in which caused her air bag to deploy causing a burn to her chin. An ambulance was requested at the scene.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry gave a civil assist to a caller who stated that he has property that he is closing tomorrow and people are out there tearing down the signs that say “No Trespassing”.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry covered a report that came from the Hollis Police Department on New Hampshire. Hollis PD stated that they had received a call from a caller who met a sixteen year old girl on Facebook and she told him that she had taken thirty pills of an unknown substance. Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry tracked subject to the Ellsworth area. Perry spoke with subject who stated she was fine. She had been depressed and told someone “she ought to take some pills”. Sergeant Perry contacted the Ellsworth Police Department and requested a well being check on the subject.
Deputy Ralph Pineo gave a civil assist on Main Street in Milbridge.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a complaint of theft at Jordan Beach in Milbridge. Caller reported that there was a theft of a copper gas line. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a commercial alarm at Four Corners Shop N Save in Columbia.
Deputy Brandon Parker conducted a bail check on a subject on Scott’s Hill Road in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of a caller who almost stepped on a bunch of needles on the North Lubec Road in Lubec.
Deputy Lt. Travis Willey and Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on the Indian River Road in Jonesport. Caller stated that a 27 year old male on a motorcycle hit a dog and flew off the motorcycle. Subject was transported to Down East Community Hospital.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a residential alarm on the Brewer Road in Robbinston.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a call from Alley Lane in Addison. Caller stated that her son was driving with no license, no registration and no insurance. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a report of an accident in Township 30 near the Wilderness Lodge. The accident involved a moose and a tractor trailer.
Deputy Sergeant Randy Perry responded to a complaint from the Harrington Irving of theft of beer. Caller stated that she had subject on video.
Deputy Brandon Parker responded to a car/deer accident on Route 1 in Princeton.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a call of suspicious activity on Route 1 in Perry. A male subject was walking in the road.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a car/deer accident on Northfield Marshfield town line.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of theft of money at Dennysville Heights Apartment in Dennysville. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Keith York served a protection order on a subject on the Indian River Road in Jonesport.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint that a ATV was spewing rocks into the roadway on Route 1 in Milbridge.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a theft of an air conditioner on King Street in Dennysville. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe and Deputy Ryan Allen responded to an single vehicle accident on Moose River in Trescott
Deputy Sergeant Richard Rolfe responded to a complaint of criminal mischief on the Ridge Road in Machiasport. Caller stated that her renters who had left the property had tried to set fire to the home. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of theft on the Old County Road in Addison. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of criminal mischief on Gaelic Square in Jonesport. Caller stated that subject walked up to a van and punched a window out and then went to the other side and broke another window out. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to an accident on Water Street in Lubec.
Deputy Keith York and Deputy Ryan Allen assisted the State Police with a report of a family fight on the Basin Road in Addsion.
Deputy Ryan Allen reported to a complaint of suspicious activity on Beechwood Bay Drive in Cutler. Caller stated that someone was beating on her windows. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of criminal threatening on the South Edmunds Road in Edmunds. Caller stated that her husband had taken her fathers car and threatened to do bodily harm to her. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of Theft on the Johnson Cove Road in Roque Bluffs. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Ryan Allen responded to a complaint of excessive speeders on Route 1 in East Machias.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a complaint of assault on Harbor Lane in Jonesport. Caller stated that her daughter tackled her and hit her. Caller was injured by did not want ambulance. Case is under investigation.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of a two vehicle accident in the Ace Hardware parking lot in Columbia.
Deputy Sergeant Tim Tabbutt responded to a report of a vehicle that backed into the Transfer Station building in Columbia Falls and then left the scene.
Deputy Ralph Pineo responded to a mental subject on Maple Street in Danforth.
Deputy Keith York responded to a complaint of suspicious activity on Schooner Point Road in Steuben.
Friday, July 1, 2011
June 2011 Monthly Report
06/09/11: Sergeant Rich Rolf was recognized by the Maine Department Of Public Safety for critical assistance at the 2010 triple homicide in Amity.
06/30/11: Chief Deputy Mike St .Louis has been deployed with West Texas Incident Management Support for state of Texas, too assist with the fires in Texas.
06/30/11: Civil Process handled 188 papers of civil process in the month of June.
06/30/11:The Sheriff’s Patrol Division handled 313 Calls for Service from June 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011.
Call for Services in Washington County:
911 HANG UPS 26
K-9 Training 2
Grand Total for all calls 313
06/30/11: Chief Deputy Mike St .Louis has been deployed with West Texas Incident Management Support for state of Texas, too assist with the fires in Texas.
06/30/11: Civil Process handled 188 papers of civil process in the month of June.
06/30/11:The Sheriff’s Patrol Division handled 313 Calls for Service from June 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011.
Call for Services in Washington County:
911 HANG UPS 26
K-9 Training 2
Grand Total for all calls 313
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